Dinafem Dinafem Industrial Plant CBD+Haze CBD Auto!

Industrial plant CBD day#14.
Looking nice mate. Can I ask what lighting are they under? and how are they growing so far compared to past auto grows?

Sorry for the questions mate but this is a new release and I did not see this being grown out so you are one of the first in the world to document this new strain :toke:

All the best

Looking nice mate. Can I ask what lighting are they under? and how are they growing so far compared to past auto grows?

Sorry for the questions mate but this is a new release and I did not see this being grown out so you are one of the first in the world to document this new strain :toke:

All the best

I have them 20 on 4 off under a sunmaster 400w dual spec hps in a lumatek shinobi ultra reflector,they got a bit of leaf curl while I was dialling in the light but other than that they are good.
Looking great!, beautiful structure forming on both strains the haze has a really nice structure. Do you do any lst? to open up the lower canopy :thumbsup:

All the best and thank you for the picture update, much appreciated :toke:

I only do a bit of leaf tucking,the haze is a solid little thing and the industrial plant is really taking off now.