@St. Tom
Kit List:
1 72 VW mini van
1 Dome light converted into a Cree CXB3590
2 rear Side pivoting windows for ventilation
1 sliding access door
Broken down climate controls
Rusted through floorboards for drainage
1 Led Zeppelin 8 track
1 Trans Canada highway to cruise down
a good slope to go down to get the VW up to speed
and lots of Love !
ohh wait, maybe that was just a dream of mine,, my bad !
I think I'll just roll with this instead:
1 Autocob
1 generic 3x4 tent that doesn't deserve it's brand name advertised
1 crappy carbon filter and fan by the same makers as my tent.
3 gal cloth pot
Promix Hp soil
3 6" clip fans, 1 oscillating tower fan
GH cal/mag, Green planet Root builder, AN Big Bud, and Mega Crop.
ohh, and the love, always gotta supply the love.
@Dinafem-Mark , I know you wanna sponsor that dream grow buddy !!