Outdoor Dinafem AWW XXL 100% outdoor, mostly organic, at 45N

Looking nice, @icky45n !!
AFN isn't about competing with each other.
It's about supporting each other, to grow the herb.
Hope they all make it through to harvest and your pipe!!!!

THANK YOU! @Maria Sanchez
I know what you're saying.
I hope too that at least a couple make it through to harvest, like mentioned in my first post.

EDIT; Also new here, just figured out the "slap" thing.
THANK YOU! @Maria Sanchez
I know what you're saying.
I hope too that at least a couple make it through to harvest, like mentioned in my first post.

EDIT; Also new here, just figured out the "slap" thing.

Glad to have you here icky! Hopefully they will surprise you ny the end of the season.
Update, July 05, 8:30-9 AM. Finally some sun, ya baby!. Branching has started. Added a small amount of pure nitro.
Week 5 or day 38, same as @EnkiTheBarbarian where is @Dinafem-Mark

“First week July, should be knee high”
Check, on schedule. The ones that are on schedule are avg. 18”, That’s why I always start more than I want. I lost 25% to lazyness (no fence), 25% to severe stunted-ness, and 25% are less than desirable.

Dinafem WW XXL the same one as pictured above, on the right, starting it’s 8th node.

The Early Weed, at 7th node, branching all the way to the bottom, no pos. sex yet, thinking female, but poor eyesight, will know by next week for sure.

Previously unseen Dinafem Amnesia XXL, somewhat stunted, but starting to grow, the only one left out of 5, couple of pistils.

And the “runners up” [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG], and 2 are early weed, [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] is WW, all somewhat stunted, 4 and 5 severely stunted left only for comparison, and demo purposes (proving not soil problems, nute def. Etc.) [HASHTAG]#6[/HASHTAG], and 7 are re-starts at 9-10 days old, they have lots of time, if they don’t rot first.
Remember 60-170 is obtained from plants that have had a perfect life...ace conditions...cant compare breeders indoor climate controlled weights, with a rough outdoor started plant. Not pathetic at all bud....june has been terrible for weather, and a cold start on young plants hurts them alot(been there). If the weather shapes around and we get some sun, i can see 170 coming off my AWWXXL.

Ive found best time to start from seed outdoors locally is 2nd - 3rd week in June. North Central US.
Ive found best time to start from seed outdoors locally is 2nd - 3rd week in June. North Central US.
That may be a strategy in the mid-west, but I'm east coast, and super humid, so I'd rather have a slow start compared to the alternative...bud rot. Short days, and heavy dew in Sept. is a recipe for that.
Apprecaite your input though. More on bud rot later...
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The “plan”.

Start a dozen plants, put them out in 3 or 4 small plots guerilla style, and hopefully harvest a couple plants with a branch or 2 of fresh seed.

For me guerilla style means minimal work. I don’t dig too big a hole, and only shovel blade deep. I use the native soil with a gallon or so of good compost added per plant. My main concern is to keep up with the slug “medicine”.

The seed. Trying something new this year, buying seed, and chose Dinafem. I got;
5 Dinafem Amnesia XXL auto
5 Dinafem White Widow XXL auto
and some of my “early weed”.

The early weed is what it was simply called when it was given to me some 25+ years ago (before there was a thousand strain names, before there was internet !) It is indica dom. And finishes in 90 days from seed. I love it, unlike just about everything else I never get immune to it. For all I know it may be an auto too, don’t know never tried indoors? More on this later...

Anyway. I got the seed wet late May, and they broke ground on May 28. A week ahead of my normal timing, planning to be cut and dried while still hot, and dry in august.

The weather, we all got complaints, but first part of june here was very wet, and cold enough to burn leaves off the popular saplings ! (first pic.) not sure I’ve seen that before ? As a result many of the seedlings got stunted, about half of them severely.

Keep in mind these are 100% outdoor grown, have had zero benefit of indoor lighting so will be much smaller, and less branchy than many other growers have, so....don’t laugh. Frankly I always felt if I had a plant a foot tall, a foot wide by end of June I was OK.

Burnt off popular leaves.
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Seedlings day 1 May 28.

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Dinafem AWW XXL at 2 weeks.

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Dinafem WW at 1 month, taken yesterday June 28.
View attachment 772903

They're are a foot high, a foot wide avg. And the one on the right has a couple pistils at the 5th node. Almost disappointed to see so early, by comparison my early weed won’t show till the 7th node, I hope it becomes a bit more than a “stick”, we’ll see.

And my early weed, it is just slightly the “thickest” one. The first with a 7 finger.
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@912GreenSkell @EnkiTheBarbarian
I tagged you Enki because we are at same age, and stage.
looks very similar to my month olds when I seed directly to the greenhouse
Thanks man.
I know compared to yours these are quite pathetic.
At the same time for my type of grow I feel quite on schedule, I have had them bigger by now in years with more sun, and warmer temps. Upside is haven't had to water.

@Dinafem-Mark I posted here rather than over on your board. Your catalog says 60-170 gms, I got to be honest with you if it goes over 60 I will be a quite surprised, only 50 days to go, what say you ?
one thing I learned right off, don't compare, will only bring a frown, cheers grobro!
BTW 5 weeks is quite a long time to show preflower! I have a batch of 5 autos that had a rough start and they were the same....no sex showing until way later than normal(normal for me is 15-21 days to show). All 4(all different strains) didnt show until day 30 or later....
for me day 30s is the usual pre time for my conditions