Indoor Dinafem Auto Blue Cheese

Shoul I go water feed, or feed,feed ,water schedule?

  • water,feed,

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • water,feed,feex

    Votes: 5 83.3%

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Doctor of Fu*king up Grows!
Cultivators Club
Sep 27, 2016
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Moist basement shitty moldy albanian weed..
Soil ; Klassman Dellman PotGround h70
Lights: Cree/Citizen cobs 3000k+3500k 180w+180w
Pots: Air Pots 15l
Nutes AN PH perfec Sensi Bloom

Chance has openned to me for one more grow,So I took the oportunity...I olanned to go with sour crack and few other mephisto ,but after 5 days in paper towel only one germinated... I have very short fuse,so Pissed off I put them all direct in soil,after few days of NOTHING, I planted directly few Dinafem blue cheese that I bought on last black friday..All of dinafem sprouted and few of mephistos sprouted also,so It will be fun in my tent..
Only thing thst bothers me is do I feed water, or feed,feed,water?


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Nice my friend :) when are u planning on transplanting?

It’s always best to START autos in their final pots.. interrupting the downward growth of the seeds taproot will effect the size of your plant.

Just a pinch of experience :)

They look good! Those babies are gunna RIEK

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This are picture's was taken two days ago, those three have grown nicely by now,so they are going to be transplanted today.. It's easier for me to water them in smaller cups vs 15l pots.. I TRY to keep them in cups under 10 days of age.. my last grow started in final pots and they were all stocky and short but I topped them also, so maybe I fckd up something with that..I will let all of this grow, to go without training..
I had BC grown before, and it was tastiest smoke I ever try..Dinafem Is in my top 5 auto breeder..
This are picture's was taken two days ago, those three have grown nicely by now,so they are going to be transplanted today.. It's easier for me to water them in smaller cups vs 15l pots.. I TRY to keep them in cups under 10 days of age.. my last grow started in final pots and they were all stocky and short but I topped them also, so maybe I fckd up something with that..I will let all of this grow, to go without training..
I had BC grown before, and it was tastiest smoke I ever try..Dinafem Is in my top 5 auto breeder..

Nice! Yea ur plants stayed short and stocky because when you topped them you redirected the growth hormones down and outward. Which isn’t a bad thing at all. I prefer shorter plants myself, so that makes allot of sense to me.

You know of any super yielders from dinafem?

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hmm what do you consider super yielders?? I know they have some xxl auto strains,I had auto critical 2.0 but bud root devsstated it,and I had to chop it waaay too eary,but he had that golf type of buds, and I think that he would produce nicely buds..For me anything above 70g is super yielder,and anything under 50g is failed grow.. My 4 assed monkey was 110g dry maybe she was a not dry dry enough,but she wasn't wet either..You can smoke her but she wasnt crispy dry like i like it..

P.S.I havent grow much of Dinafem strains or beans but I dont know,I have a little crush on them,for me they represent that golden middle,nothing fancy or flashy about them, but they always deliver and get you high..I don't know If I express my self proper..
This is taken 30min ago.. Up and down left are mephisto,other are BC.
Those big ones are going into final pots later..I grow at remote place from home,thats other reason I like start seedlings in Cups,at home..
I'm in but can't vote. My answer isn't there. Feed when they say I'm hungry
i will follow along with you my friend i have grown dinafem and critical 2.0 both great yielders the 2 blue cheese im growing i got burned tips so dont go crazy with the feed on them and you will be golden and thanks for the tag
sorry you had a few beans not pop mate

what Mephisto strains have you got mixed in there?
heard good things about that Blue Cheese, they say cheese is a tough one to replicate :shrug: but I don’t know as I’ve only had the real thing...i am growing a Stilton Special though so we will see how it compares :thumbsup:

Oh you're back at it [HASHTAG]#gocoviklaflair[/HASHTAG] btw i always wanted ask what is it with your name?