haha....wow, now thats some good stink to get your eyes watering. lol Sooo looking forward to the smoke of here.DR was the first thing I grew under my LED. When I would take them out to check them and pull off dying leaves they would stink up the whole bedroom and bath room. I was venting directly outdoors then, without a carbon filter, and you could smell them all around the house. When they finished and I took them to the garage to trim and manicure the smell was so strong it made my eyes water. Stinky little girls for sure.
Cool, yea i was kinda thinking i should atleast wait until she dried out. All bud is good bud! If i can get anything from her, i'll be a happy camper.I don't know any rules of thumb JEM, but my ER did the same. She was PISSED 'cuz I tiered her into a new pot and had her panties all bunched up till the fourth day after tiering when the soil was finally dry enough to feed her again. Then she just went BAMM! and started puttin' inches on like crazy. I personally wouldn't give up on her so quick. She might just be a little weaker than the other ones. I'm sending her some Good Vibes!