Well thank ya for dropping in Rose, yea im hoping they do good too.Pulling up a chair for this one, Jem , looking forward to see how the Diesel Ryder and the Cobra come along
Great to be here man, Always good to see the great Joe Dirt around! Always good to have you help me out.Great to see ya, bro!
Yea, Ive heard so much about them, and ive just been sitting on them for like a year now worrying so much about odor on them. I think i should have that covered now. I hope!Love the Diesel Ryder and will be watching to see how yours do. I've also had my eye on some Cobra, so a double treat to watch.
Yummm, im ready to taste her.Diesel Ryder was one of the easiest plants i've grown to date...its a real pleasure to have such a strain
Good, Im ready for some strong meds right around now!LOVE DIESEL RYDER , shes such a potent auto. im gonna watch follow here
good luck!