Did some medical MJ math...ummm wow!

Its truly a blessing that 4 guys went to supreme court and won their case that being forced to buy from these overpriced licensed suppliers is unconstitutional, and even more of a blessing that the supreme court judge agreed with them and now it is law that every medical canna user can grow their own.

Interesting. I'm half tempted to see about doing the same on a state level once my state gets their MMJ situation up and rolling, since I simply won't be able to afford meds from a dispensary.
dude I do this exact thing in bowls and stuff just like that when I'm coining to prejar my bud for smoking. I think it really helps bring out the smells if you smoke flower by doing it like that. Bet it was tasty bro! Even though it was Dan's and not flower!
Hi bro!! Them buds have not been made into shatter yet,im doing some tomorrow,and will prolly do some Caviar as well( wax coated bud rolled in kief, but you prolly knew that) follow along in my extract thread,in my sig area
Wow...and the ridiculousness of this system is coming to the light. So all Canadian medical card holders are allowed to grow their own...and the catch...you can only use seed/clones from your licensed producer. And a whopping 2 yes two, of 23 registered producers have seed/clones for sale. Ready for this?

"BC-based medical cannabis producer Canna Farms has announced strains for sale as clones to registered patients. Beginning November 21, 2016, Canna Farms will begin taking pre-orders for live cannabis plants. They expect shipments to go out by mid January.

"Canna Farms will initially be offering White Widow, Chernobyl, and CBD Skunk Haze (details and pricing for each strain can be found below).

Two Plants (of the same strain) = $175. Four (4) Plants (of the same strain) = $240. Four Plants (two different strains) = $315 (plus applicable taxes)
Six Plants (three different strains) = $455 (plus applicable taxes). Each plant will be cut to order. Sales of clones are only made in groups of two."

Canna Farms is now the second producer to be selling clones after Health Canada introduced new rules in August that allow registered, authorized patients to grow their own cannabis at home or to designate someone to grow for them. The first was Whistler Medical Marijuana, who announced their clone program in October. Whistler is charging $750 for 5 clones (of the same strain), with subsequent clones at $20 each.

Canna Farms notes all clone sales will be final. The issue of how to deal with problems in shipping have been an expressed concern of licensed producers."

What a friggin joke...I stick with my original statement. These greedy ARSEHOLES should not be in control of our meds!!
Wow...and the ridiculousness of this system is coming to the light. So all Canadian medical card holders are allowed to grow their own...and the catch...you can only use seed/clones from your licensed producer. And a whopping 2 yes two, of 23 registered producers have seed/clones for sale. Ready for this?

"BC-based medical cannabis producer Canna Farms has announced strains for sale as clones to registered patients. Beginning November 21, 2016, Canna Farms will begin taking pre-orders for live cannabis plants. They expect shipments to go out by mid January.

"Canna Farms will initially be offering White Widow, Chernobyl, and CBD Skunk Haze (details and pricing for each strain can be found below).

Two Plants (of the same strain) = $175. Four (4) Plants (of the same strain) = $240. Four Plants (two different strains) = $315 (plus applicable taxes)
Six Plants (three different strains) = $455 (plus applicable taxes). Each plant will be cut to order. Sales of clones are only made in groups of two."

Canna Farms is now the second producer to be selling clones after Health Canada introduced new rules in August that allow registered, authorized patients to grow their own cannabis at home or to designate someone to grow for them. The first was Whistler Medical Marijuana, who announced their clone program in October. Whistler is charging $750 for 5 clones (of the same strain), with subsequent clones at $20 each.

Canna Farms notes all clone sales will be final. The issue of how to deal with problems in shipping have been an expressed concern of licensed producers."

What a friggin joke...I stick with my original statement. These greedy ARSEHOLES should not be in control of our meds!!
That's absolutely ridiculous! Hundreds for a few plants! wtf!
Just imagine what our privatized government run recreational MJ system is going to be!! Honestly I have always been opposed to legalization, because in the back of my mind I always knew it would turn into a cess pool of greed and corruption.
Hey... at least you have legal medicinal use and thanks to a court ruling can now grow your own - I get the dismay at the lack of varieties - but at least it's semi-legal and even if you were growing an off grid variety I doubt you would be looking at a criminal record!!! I'd happily rotate clones (remember once you have 'one' you can re-clone) - not like a closet hidden away Auto Grow. But yer I totally get the commercialisation (it was predicted << the new multi-billion home industry).

Here we call it SAD (which was the acronym for Scotland Against Drugs << a totally failed social project which didn't have any scientific basis and was condemned as futile and misleading by Prof. David Nutt) << who was effectively sacked as a govt. scientific adviser for daring to suggest a total reclassification of drug law based on 'harm' << so we guess the tobacco and alcohol representatives leaned on the govt.... (sigh).
Wow...and the ridiculousness of this system is coming to the light. So all Canadian medical card holders are allowed to grow their own...and the catch...you can only use seed/clones from your licensed producer. And a whopping 2 yes two, of 23 registered producers have seed/clones for sale. Ready for this?

So....if the law states that you can only use seed or clones from a licensed producer, does that mean one could buy a few ridiculously overpriced clones from a licensed producer and then maintain their grow from that point forward using clones of those clones? If so, that makes things a little *less* onerous, at least.