Indoor Delightful Fall Mix

Is it just coincidence that when I looked at my phone upside down

Noods spelled spooN

:grin: :d5: great call on the head-banger smilie Noods!.. been missing that one myself....:stylez rasta smoke: Haa-chaa-chaa-chaaaahh!, Sir Bot's has got a million of'um!! ( Jimmy Durante popped into my head ther for some odd reason!) ...I about auto-laugh-asphyxiated when I saw the dead-horse-beating, and the Ref's yellow and red-card ones are brilliant too- :roflcry: ****... Sniper-- that's the Green Poison talking there! gives you silly stoner eyes to see goofy things all over :WTF:
Snipe, I'd like to know what you're puffin on that lets you float around upside down while surfin around the forum!:dunno:
I can just picture you hanging there, upside down and green poison silly, "Who the fuck is spooN? Hey, and why's he got Noods' avatar?? Oh, wait. Ohhhhh, coooool!"
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
:Sharing One:

Hey Waira! You see all kinds of stuff here at AFN that just plain ROCKS, so not having a headbanger smiley was... I don't know, stunting my expression, or some shit! I don't know, we just need it here I think. Some things just Rock.
People think smileys are childish and all that, but adding that bit of color to a dry, black and white text that is all too often lacking emotional flavor can help bring a truer meaning to the screen.
This, you have understood, my dear friend Waira, :d5: and I love reading your comments. Feel free to post as many orchid pictures here as you like! Everyone! Post pics of flowers you got growing here, if you like! We all appreciate Mother's floral beauty, so spread it around, here! Please do. :thumbs:

That reminds me.. Waira, I said in one posts that my orchid has two new branches. What I meant was STEMS. The two new stems have lots of new branches. That's why I thought it mention-able. What do orchids like best to turn them big fat leaves that start to turn yellow back into that deep dark green? A guugle search would prolly give me an answer quicker than I can type this. But I trust you better, W. I've given them Fish mix. And I've given them teas with worm poop, seabird guano, molasses, epsom salt, kelp and alfalfa, in different combinations. Like I said, they get the same as all the other plants and flowers around the house. The pH is mostly high -about 7-7.5, depending- for the house plants, being tap water most of the time.
(If I don't refill the jugs from the spring myself, they don't get refilled.:dunno:)
Give me a hint when you get a free minute and thanks a ton in advance!:bow:
And thanks again for your kindness! :hug:
:grin: Deeewd, just ask Sir Bot's how batshit I went when he restored them! :coffee2: :slaps: :roflcry: .... they are as critical as adjectives in a text-world, IMO!
.... Shweet! I shall festoon your thread with odd beauty then,...:wiz: ...LOL! Noods, I still am not sure what you mean by stems and branches... Many orchids have neither! ( well, at least the body of the plant... flower spikes can have them-- later I'll talk about and show the two main growth patterns in orchids, and you'll see what I mean).... Big fat fleshy leaves,.. sounds like a Phalaenopsis (got a pic?) leaves emerge at the crown, one atop the other,..flower spikes and root emerge from the sides,...These are true epiphytes, and those fat roots like being in the air as well and in media, it a lower/lowest leaf? If so, likely it's just shedding older growth-- normal,... if it's a high up, a prime one, likely it's rot,... orchids are usually great at dumping bad leaves before the rot spreads, but it's okay to cut it at the base, and let it dry and seal for a few days,... sulphur powder/spray would be fine on the exposed cut to help! What's it potted in? Root rot is the #1 killer,... I see lots of cheap sphagnum moss these days, instead of the course bark (more $),... this is okay for younger plants and those in that optimal nursery environment, plus they get transplanted regularly, long before media rot sets in... and that's the problem with home env. conditions with that moss... tends to hold too much water too long, poor draining, smothering... recipe for eventual root rot! As for what to feed them, honestly, I've never used that much organic type stuffs with them, at home or at the nursery... I think because of the enhanced biological activity, it tends to decay the media much faster, and can take the roots with using synth. nute's is preferable for them,... for epiphytes and their kin, the usual microbial relationships are different than with other true soil terrestrial plants,.. no soil herd per se growing on bark, or rocks, etc.,... they are many that cannot survive in a pot, and must be mounted on something... So, let me know what it's planted in, and pick up some orchid food, something balanced for this type orchid... Grow More makes good stuff, yellow 20-20-20,... LOL! or, continue with the experiment! pH is fine, but really hard water can cause mineral build up burn after a while,...occasional transplanting will be needed,.... I have several, cloud forest types, that would croak in a week with even modestly hard water, others can endure quite a bit! Orchids often defy generalizations, the whole family is rife with exceptions, such is their diversity....:slaps: -taxonomy is a nightmare!
*** Okay, let's see what's in the photo stash here already,... thank you Noods, I hope you enjoy!

Dendrichilum spp.--> zillions of tiny flowers 012.jpg011.jpg010.jpg
One of my true prizes! Cleisocentron merrilianum (:roflcry: whadd I tell'ya about their names!) ... blue, for some odd reason, is the rarest color by far in orchids,... though lately I'm seeing dyed ones-- Phals'-- of blue and other phony colors! :no: this here's the real deal! 001 (2).jpg004.jpg007.jpg
I do appreciate that Waira! Cool! Thanks. :tiphat:
Wow! Let's definitely see more of them fancy plants, my friend! :thumbs:

Got some pics of my "hurting" one...

OK, not stems- Flower Spikes. Both of them are new.



Banana Yellow, almost... :(
You can see the two spent spikes that I've cut back.
It occurs to me now that I should have given you a top down shot over the leaves, but you're not missing anything... no new emerging leaf growth to be seen.


Pine Bark, Peat, & "Calcium"

10 - 150 mg/l N Stickstoff verfügbar (CaCl2)
50 - 170 mg/l P2O5 Phosphat verfügbar (CAL)
100 - 350 mg/l K2O



These are the flowers that were starting to open up, but I guess the cold slowed it down. They're only inside on the windowsill. The temperature has dropped to just over freezing the last few nights, and just this morning we decided to turn the heat on. So the radiator under the sill will warm things up starting today. (My damn cat stole one, as you can see..)


That plant has the same flowers and leaves and everything as this one, but the flowers ore orange, peach and white.


Man, that's sweet. Looks like sex!

What's you think my brother? :dunno:

I guess I'll have to get me some Orchid food just for them. I'll have to see if I can find something that at least says, "All Natural" on it... It just goes so against the grain to bring chemical or synthetic sustenance to things living here.

Thanks again! You're awesome, W! :hug:
Sweet seeds green poison Noods :thumbs: