Indoor Delightful Fall Mix

Hey Noods, loved your update. Had to look into the Heart Math Institute you mentioned, it's incredible but it makes perfect sense. I saw this video on their site, hope you dont mind if i post it up so others could see it. You always hear as a kid to follow your heart, guess it has merit!! One thing they mentioned briefly that i liked is to calm the mind, and let the heart guide you.. had me thinking (because i am one of those that overthink too much).. it could save me and a lot of people from stress and anxiety. Thanks for the info!!

Thanks for the kindness, JAYAR!
You are more than welcome for the info and I'm very happy that you found their site and were able to gain a little knowledge from them!
Brilliant! "pher Wiggle"
Have a high evening, my friend. :Sharing One:
:Gary::Sharing One:Guten tag Herr Noods!! ..what a juicy and delish' update you have served up for us,....:drool:Allow me to dig in....:smoke:
>>> indeed I recall my friend, about the bugs pics-- that "we" included you! remember this--> mole cricket and this-> longhorn beetle spp.
.... :Cool bud: .... hey, even this biased biologist must acknowledge that spiders are not the most charismatic creatures- LOL! But you still see the "beauty" in them, for the marvels that they are... :bow: ...saw a show a while back that featured this brilliant species called Portia.. they are true Ninjas that feed on other spiders, especially web builders! ...sometime, look her up and see what astonishing hunting intelligence they possess,'s uncanny, I tell you!
>> :coffee2: orchid choices are off the hook these days! Factory nurseries can crank these hybrids out by the millions,... got see a Phalaenopsis specialty place once,... 475000sq. feet of nothing but, all automated for nearly the entire grow, from first planting to first spikes,....amazing! I came from the other end of the industry, the species specialty hobby market, which operates literally the opposite way,...we had about 1700+ species at one point! A very complex set-up in 3 greenhouses to accommodate all the different microclimates to suite them,.. and sooo much exotic beauty and fun,...:grat:... You have fine skills Noods, someday you should try to visit an proper orchid show,... :grin: I guarantee you will not leave empty handed! Auto's are 5x more difficult than most all my orchids to grow, no lie! If you like, I'll gladly post some beauties for you here on occasion, you'll see, I tend to like the really bizarre ones, not so much the foo-foo typical stuff! :ama:Manly orchids, I say!! :crying:

>> :poof: :wiz: *BOOM-shaka-laka*!!--And then there were fat fuzzy crowns all over da house!! Love those group shots,... :Cool bud: ...Noods, you nasty nasty man you! Capo Astro would be envious of your "servicing" skills- :roflcry: The girls are really going to bust out a show, I can just tell! So burly and nicely branched,... yup, they might not become "monsters", but I'll wager the buds will be phat-fat, and give great yield for their size! This is a educational grow too, for those taking note of strain-dependent nute' sensitivity,... >> EzR certainly has a fun aromatic mix! ..a deep purple JEM I grew had some truly weird ever get one that smelled like burnt rubber and Thai Ice tea? LOL! She was a treat too,.... I love this part of blooming, the metamorphosis of their perfumes,...:brow: >>> ....Oooh man, that CC is gorgeous! This kind of color so early,... she's gonna be a kaleidoscope of Fall colors by harvest! Sweet Tommy- or Jaypp -- posted a grow of them in their sections last year that were incredible for colors,... >>> Boy, no kidding about FA! :coffee2: She might become the light-hogging diva of this grow,... :KISS:LOL!
>>> Check out those Rave-party disco light porn shots!! :dance2: nn-tss! nn-tss! nn-tss! "Bailers Booya"You might have to install a brass pole, just like Astro did! the purple and blue shots are electric beauty! :clap: well done, saaaahhhh,.. <--(british "Queens English" accent)..:roflcry:
...***... :Drag-On: thank you very much, our good brother Noods!...:hug: ...always with you, broadcasting positive E's, love and goodness across the spectrum to all!... never complacently taken, ...*sniff*--I feel ya,! :stylez rasta smoke: LOL!
I am very happy to be able to show my 27 day old plants to you tonight my dear friends, old and new!"AFN smoke out"
Come in, sit, lay down, or stand on your head, be well buzzed -pick a bud or two or a few from the jars on the shelf over there and enjoy them however you like- and I'll show you some pictures of my pretty little pot plants.

Here's the four of em with the GN MS006 turned off.


They're coming on nicely. I'm very pleased with them. I'm VERY pleased with them!

I'll show you the rest right away. First,

Dread, thanks my friend! :Sharing One:

CC's lookin real sweet, you'll see in a sec. She's dealing well with the friction of that funky soil and the Fish and Poops and stuffs. I wish I could have set up my big tent. When I say big, I mean the bigger one than I have set up now. This is an 80X160 cm HomeBox. I cant set up the 1X2 m because I have the tent set up in a smaller room now. The big room is now our music room. Not a studio yet, maybe some day. We'll have to see how my boy reacts when girls start getting interesting... Will they be more interesting than his drums then? Hmm. He's in the third grade right now and rocking like a star! It's awesome. I hope he keeps it up. What were we talking about? Oh yeah, insects humping flowers! Crazy world we've realized, eh?

Thanks for catching up and for the kind words and for spreading the Love my friend! :hug:

Bandit buddy! Thanks for stopping by! You well baked? :Hookah: I hope so my friend. :Sharing One:
I won't make that mistake with the soil again. I'm sticking with Plagron from now on. I've grown some killer, quality buds in it before and arrrggghhhh! I got a damn bag of it down in the cellar!:face: But I said before, that's the past and we wont's dwell on it.
Loving Vibes for you and your family! :hug:

JAYAR, I'm very pleased to meet you, too! :tiphat: Ohhh, come here... :hug: you come in here, you're gonna get hugged, my friend. No way around it. Now go and stick your head in the front zipper of the tent and breath in waaaaaaaaaaay deep through your nose.... oh yeah. Makes your head spin and makes the loins warm dinnit? :thumbs:
Drop a link here JAYAR, if you got anything growing. Please do. I want to click on your profile and see what you got growing, but as you can see, I got my duck hat on tonight and I'll probably forget...
Thanks again for coming and I hope you come back often! :Sharing One:

OK, my weed...
We'll go from smallest to tallest this time. This is the fat, short SAD. Sorry that some of these pics is are so hard on the eyes. They have a weird blur to them that really bothers me. I cleaned my glasses twice trying to get the smudge out, but it's the pictures. Oh well.


She's finally starting to grow up and out of herself. Very slowly, but still. I don't know if this one or the Fast Amnesia is worse off. I think this one. It's like her last Bat Guano had too much Tabasco Sauce or something. Lots of yellow tips.

But she looks nice like this...


OK, Here's the Freakazoid. Easy Ryder. Very much strangeness in her. Doin her own thing, as far as conformity is concerned. She smells like a lemon that a skunk peed on and was then dunked in tar and squeezed. And yes, it's awesome!


Down the blouse...


oooohhh, lookin fine. "Bailers Booya"

Oui oui, ma jolie CC...


Is anyone noticing the purple stems? Cream Caramel... I have to order more of these seeds. I have some other sweet seeds stuff to grow. I really am wanting to try them. But you know I'm hooked on this elixir here.


Ahem... moving along...

Fast Amnesia is fast. Because of her fastness, I'm raising my lights at least once a day. She reaches up into the small cfls, she's trying to jump up on top of the GN... I have to keep adding DVD cases under the fat little SAD to keep her in touch.


Gonna be getting little diamond sparkly very soon. She smells fuel-y. Sorry, I can't figure her smell out. I'll figure it out though. Although, does it really matter? Weed smells fucking good even when it stinks!


Oops, there's a Noods foot in that photo! Sorry. Do we still have the Feet In Friday thread? I'll have to check. You guys know the Feet In Friday thread? Red started it loooooong ago. Gotta see if it's still active. It is a thread for pics of canna foot porn. No fear; the weed smells overpower the foot smells. It's all good!

I had them out to give them a slurpy and to take those pics. Now they're back in the tent receiving the best form of energy that I am illegally able to provide them with right now.


I got some more cool pics for you to see, but I want to talk to you first, and tell you that today was a good day for me. It was a good day even though I hit a few potholes along the path. I'm having problems at work and you know how that can affect the whole rest of Life. But I'm not the one making the problems, so I just decided to let these things be. I chose to feel nothing but compassion for a boss that likes to give the impression of being an illiterate, uncaring, greedy fucker. Coming to clarity, I let all that negative energy just flow out of me. All you have to do is breathe in the good energy and push out the bad. Anywhere, anytime. Don't let the day -that is inevitably good- have the slightest chance of turning sour.

Eventually I got home from work and was expecting some good sexy time with wifey, but no, it wasn't meant to be. And damn! What better way to end a great day than to be high and become one with the Love of your Life? Ah well, my little daughter was being a typical little four year old... sleepin on my pillow when I got home... We decided to leave her be and avoid having her protestations wake her sisters while being brought back to her own bed.

But HEY! We got AFN and lots and lots of special porn here... you know where it goes from there.

Speaking of porn; careful here. Proceed at your own risk.

This shit is probably illegal in most countries. Stoner discretion is advised.









Nice. And yes, I was messing with color temps and saturation and things, trying to make the pics look better. Aren't you glad I did?

We have an electromagnetic vortex stemming from the heart, reaching up, down, and out and turning back again, repeating, constantly pulsing and glowing. If you fill your heart with Love, the vortex is brilliant green and so strong and contagious. It is the exact opposite of the energies that a spiteful, ill minded heart will project, and it is a reflector shield against those energies. That's why they say, "What goes around comes around." You got all this bad energy being reflected off the good energy, not affecting those with true Love in their hearts, but being sucked right back up by the ones putting out the negative shit.
Know this is a fact. And know it for yourself by feeling it and don't ask me to prove it. The Heart Math Institute has already done that. But you knowing it yourself is the only proof that will convince you.

Why am I telling you this? So you know that when I say, "Much Love to you, AFN!", I mean it. My vortex is expanding out at some power of 10 higher than the speed of light to saturate you with loving energy that I hope you will take in to strengthen your heart, and not reflect it. Our world is soooo fucked up, people. We need more true Love. We are all that we have right now. No more fighting. Awareness, Love, Compassion, and Weed. What else do you need? Money. Yeah, that's one part of the fucked up-ness of the world that we need to fix.
Thanks for coming by! :Sharing One:

Much Love to you AFN! :hug:

Wow, you got some awesomely artful pics Noods! Very sexy ladies, indeed!
Waira, Bandit, Thanks for all the kindness my friends! :hug:

Check this out:

This lovely person wants to do a good thing and is in a position to push it along and get it done.
Click here to read what she stands for and what she wants to do. The guy who wrote the article is a dick head media puppet, so please ignore the fascist propaganda he vomits into his article.


I broke a branch on my Easy Ryder last night while I was doing stretch training with her. Careless stoner mistake... not paying attention and pulled too far and *crack*. Ooops. It was hanging on by 3 or 4 fibers, I guess. No sweat, a poultice of worm castings was applied and now about twelve hrs later, there's no sign of anything even happening. Sorry, I couldn't get pics, but I'll show you in the branch and scar next update.

Have a Happy Tuesday AFN! "AFN smoke out"
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I see the king of cfl's still uses them even though you went led

Looking great bud

I pinched a top on a sour cream and it snapped all but just a couple strings the next day it was healed and the top was curving back up its nuts the abuse they can take and keep going
Hey snipe! :Sharing One:
I was all anxious when I opened the tent this morning, expecting the worst... But all's well.
Hardy plant, our beloved weed! :bow:

Cool eh, officinalis? :thumbs: Sucks that they'll probably -most certainly- find some skeleton in her closet and try to bring her down before she gets a chance to break out her whip.
I hope you're well my friend! :hug: