Indoor Delightful Fall Mix

Thanks brother! Right back at you! :hug: :karma Cloud:
Just overly indulged on some SBR-70... :RU Stoned..?:oops.
Happy Friday! "AFN smoke out"
Looking great Noods! Looks like your girls are bouncing back! I know this is way after the fact but time released nutes indeed... What's that the German version of MG? Good to see you got a grip on things. A good grower knows how to deal with adversity and overcome. :Sharing One: But, look who I'm talking to!! They like to keep us on our toes ya know? Keep on truckin' my friend! :hug: Good to see some you back on the forum growing!
:pighug:Hello my good brother Noods! :d5: ..pardon my tardiness- you know the short bus always arrives late! :roflcry: ..It's great to see you back in action again, in fact, I've not rolled with one of your grows yet... :slaps:- hiatus aside! You were truly missed Noods- :hug:... *** ...dunno why, but I had it in my head you were in the US,...maybe from the mole cricket pics you showed me for ID? LOL! -an assumption on my part... :yoinks: :KISS: Auchtung! No pics of you in Lederhosen eating sausage please, don't care if it's Oktober fest!! :WTF: ...though, Astro may like it,... :brow: LOL! --(couldn't resist Capo Fancy Hands, whaddya gonna do, rub me out all the way from ME?)-- :roflcry:
>> :wiz: -very juicy line-up you have there my friend! Sweet classics, old school EZR, something newer--Amnesia! Had a couple g's from a dispensary last year, and really liked it! ...soaring high, very potent, delish' flavor,...I hope the auto version will treat you right- :thumbs: ...**** Hmmm, I like your ferts/supp's menu,... next chance I get to grow, I'm gonna go more organic I think, so I'll be picking your brain and watching closely how you do,... *** ... :slaps: Gaahh!! :cuss:Mein Gott! I hate it when company's pull BS switches like that, with little to no warning or any sort of heads-up,... I feel your pain my friend-- FuxFarms soils are on the shite list with me now, after getting acidic, poorly cooked bags of OF and HF that FUBARed my first round of autos this year! :pimphand:-dicks! Clearly, your girls were feeling the heat,... :no: ...but your skills and Good Ju-Ju have them turning the corner very nicely after all! :Cool bud:

<-- :crying:Oh man, really?? -this is what came up? Now, this is something out of Astro's porn collection, no doubt! Tell me that's not from some porn flick! :drool: ... the jokes write themselves,...:brow: --like this-->
what you don't see, in the pic with the wench's, is there rowing, is hooked up to a generator, powering a large grow room next door :slaps:this is what it 's like in Colorado now:grin:
--> :Haha:See?! I told you he had the scoop on this! Giggady giggady gig-a-dee!!

>>> Ahhh, they're looking better and better Noods,... ER is an AK47 cross, ay? Yum! I gather you've grown her before, and are all thumbs up? ...Yes :smoke:- photo AK is a velvet covered hammer, a crushing, IQ wiping buzz- LOL! If you ever come to CA, I'll be sure to load you up on it until we both have to carried around in a bucket! It's a perennial favorite out here...***... Wow, the girls are that well perfumed already, huh? :devil: No touchy!! *smack!* :WTF: LOL! I wish I could smell too brudda, you know what an aromatics slut I am!
... ooOOoo,.. speaking of velvet hammers,.. SBR70 will have the drool cup overflowing in short order! :Woozy..?:... well, now that your nice and relaxed,... I brought a friend with me from earlier, missed when you were away,.... :xlaugh: ...a Wolf Spider mama, with a back-full of bab-bees!! 001.jpg
... time released nutes indeed... What's that the German version of MG?
...Good to see you got a grip on things. ... They like to keep us on our toes ya know?
...Good to see some you back on the forum growing!

Rebel, my brother! It's good for me, being back among all my growing friends! :hug:
I'm really at a loss for words, to express how it feels coming back after being gone so long. Felt strange at first. So much has changed! But so much more hasn't changed and I realize what I was missing. The sharing of a passion with like minded brothers and sisters, the exchange of knowledge, the willingness of everyone to jump at the chance to help others along the way... I'm glad to be a part of it. :thumbs:

As far as this f'd up soil and me having a grip on things... :face: I'm tryin. Daily, I sympathize with myself for being such a ... dweeb. I have about 20 liters of Plagron Light down in the cellar. I completely forgot about it. If I would have used that my poor plants would have had much a more pleasant childhood. Going into adolescence now they are finicky, fussy, stubborn... The FA is a trip. Reaching for the sky one minute, hangin her head the next... weird colors appearing here and there... I feel that she's wanting more food, but then she acts negative towards it, while at the same time roaring with energy... Yes, very confusing.

Thanks for the Love my dear friend! :hug: :Sharing One:

... you know the short bus always arrives late! I had it in my head you were in the US,...

-very juicy line-up you have there my friend! Sweet classics, old school EZR, something newer--Amnesia! Had a couple g's from a dispensary last year, and really liked it! ...soaring high, very potent, delish' flavor,...I hope the auto version will treat you right-

Mein Gott! I hate it when company's pull BS switches like that, with little to no warning or any sort of heads-up,...

HOT CHICKS IN CHAINS AND OILY BREASTS<-- :crying:Oh man -this is what came up? Now, this is something out of Astro's porn collection, no doubt!

>>> Ahhh, they're looking better and better Noods,... ER is an AK47 cross, ay? Yum! I gather you've grown her before, and are all thumbs up? ...Yes

- photo AK is a velvet covered hammer, a crushing, IQ wiping buzz- LOL! If you ever come to CA, I'll be sure to load you up on it until we both have to carried around in a bucket!
Wow, the girls are that well perfumed already, huh? :devil: No touchy!! *smack!* :WTF: LOL! I wish I could smell too brudda, you know what an aromatics slut I am!
... ooOOoo,.. speaking of velvet hammers,.. SBR70 will have the drool cup overflowing in short order! :Woozy..?:... well, now that your nice and relaxed,... I brought a friend with me from earlier, missed when you were away,.... :xlaugh: ...a Wolf Spider mama, with a back-full of bab-bees!!

My dear friend Waira! :hug:

I have missed your posts. Just the thought of the two of us being carried to safe point in buckets gets me grinning from ear to ear. LOL Your adjectival humor and eagerness to share all you know with everyone is one of the many sparkling points of brilliance in this forum, and also one that I have missed badly. I'm glad we've been able to keep the conduit open, my brother.

I am looking forward to the Amnesia! You make it sound good. The ER, as far as I was able to gather, is either loved or hated. I love it. It grows easy peasy and is one of those herbs that gets better with age. I mean AGE. I got some right now that's almost two years old. Sorry, I can't describe it right now cuz I don't have the right thinking cap on. Somewhere here on the forum is an Easy Ryder smoke report I did a looong way back. And one thing I can assure you of: Somewhere during this long long curing process, and lasting a few months, the predominant taste and smell was Lemon. If I remember correctly, you're a citrus freak. Right? Just thought I'd plant that seed in your head...

Yes, I have a few very "stinky" girls right now. And yes, I do "touchy", and that very muchy! LOL

SBR-70? I'll smoke to that! :Sharing One: MmmmmMM!

Spiders bro. Seriously? Fucking spiders? That's one thing that has me head spinning for the looongest time: I can not, now matter how I try, find the beauty in a spider. Just writing about them has my back tense and my lips drawn back tight, all orifices clamped down tight, a tingling all through my energies... Please. No spiders.

Them babes do in fact have some Heart Karma, my friend. Do the search and scroll down... you'll see.

Thanks for stopping by! :hug: :Sharing One:

...accidentally grown in soil that used to be cool, but now has time release nutes in it and is a total farkin bummer...

Sweet Afgani Delicious:
With tea bubbling under her leaves at the lower edge...


Easy Ryder:
With bamboo for easy ventilation angle adjustment...


Cream Caramel:
With my Teddy Bear and Blanket inside her waiting to be released...


Fast Amnesia:
With the mission of keeping me constantly guessing...


Back- FA, ER Front- CC, SAD:
Without the GN on, with CFL heating units on...


To help console them for having given them bad stuff to have their roots in, I sweet talk them as often as possible and tell them how lovely they are and let them know that they are very much loved. I know they'll all give me some very fine herb, and I will be more than satisfied. I can see that already. I just wish they were happier all the time, and not just some of the time. Seems there's always a yellow tip or edge creeping out somewhere... *sigh*

Thanks for looking! Much Love to you all! :hug:
Have a Happy Monday! "AFN smoke out"
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Looking really nice Noods, even with the surprise in your soil :gthumb:
Love and hope in my heart brother, I most definitely am well, thank you. :hug:
Catching up and must take a break.

This is going to be a fun thread--the action is here.

I remember the early CC days. Dub's grow and its debut. They do have a great--coffee aroma when young. The best aroma.

Canna is just so unpredictable. We all must have a bit of the gambler in us. Was chatting with Sniper about my young photos--they just lay there. I said--autos are like quarter horses racing and photos like turtle racing. Have this stunting phobia with the photo young ones, but, today was time for first big watering--have deeper pots and hoping tap is down to bottom!

Noodarific as usual :d5: Much love my brother :hug::Sharing One: