Hello my good brother
..pardon my tardiness- you know the short bus always arrives late! :roflcry: ..It's great to see you back in action again, in fact, I've not rolled with one of your grows yet... :slaps:- hiatus aside! You were truly missed Noods- :hug:... *** ...dunno why, but I had it in my head you were in the US,...maybe from the mole cricket pics you showed me for ID? LOL! -an assumption on my part...

:KISS: Auchtung! No pics of you in Lederhosen eating sausage please, don't care if it's Oktober fest!!

Astro may like it,... :brow: LOL! --(couldn't resist Capo Fancy Hands, whaddya gonna do, rub me out all the way from ME?)-- :roflcry:

-very juicy line-up you have there my friend! Sweet classics, old school EZR, something newer--Amnesia! Had a couple g's from a dispensary last year, and really liked it! ...soaring high, very potent, delish' flavor,...I hope the auto version will treat you right- :thumbs: ...**** Hmmm, I like your ferts/supp's menu,... next chance I get to grow, I'm gonna go more organic I think, so I'll be picking your brain and watching closely how you do,... *** ... :slaps: Gaahh!!

Mein Gott! I hate it when company's pull BS switches like that, with little to no warning or any sort of heads-up,... I feel your pain my friend-- FuxFarms soils are on the shite list with me now, after getting acidic, poorly cooked bags of OF and HF that FUBARed my first round of autos this year!

-dicks! Clearly, your girls were feeling the heat,... :no: ...but your skills and Good Ju-Ju have them turning the corner very nicely after all! :Cool bud:

Oh man, really?? -this is what came up? Now,
this is something out of Astro's porn collection, no doubt!
Tell me that's not from
some porn flick!

... the jokes write themselves,...:brow: --like this-->
what you don't see, in the pic with the wench's, is there rowing, is hooked up to a generator, powering a large grow room next door :slaps:this is what it 's like in Colorado now
--> :Haha:See?! I told you he had the scoop on this! Giggady giggady gig-a-dee!!
>>> Ahhh, they're looking better and better Noods,... ER is an AK47 cross, ay? Yum! I gather you've grown her before, and are all thumbs up? ...Yes :smoke:- photo AK is a velvet covered hammer, a crushing, IQ wiping buzz- LOL! If you ever come to CA, I'll be sure to load you up on it until we both have to carried around in a bucket! It's a perennial favorite out here...***... Wow, the girls are that well perfumed already, huh?

No touchy!! *smack!*

LOL! I wish I could smell too brudda, you know what an aromatics slut I am!
... ooOOoo,.. speaking of velvet hammers,.. SBR70 will have the drool cup overflowing in short order! :Woozy..?:... well, now that your nice and relaxed,... I brought a friend with me from earlier, missed when you were away,.... :xlaugh: ...a Wolf Spider mama, with a back-full of bab-bees!!