Thank you Dub! :Sharing One:
Ok, I fed them small amounts twice since that last post. The 3 Liter pots were very dry yesterday so they got a mix of Fish, powdered eggshells, molasses, epsom, and Voodoo juice. That was 250 ml aerated tap water pH'd down to 6.5 after it all bubbled together for a little over 24 hrs, about 30 hrs maybe. The voodoo Juice I added right before feeding.
Then this morning the pots were all light as a feather again. All except for the Fast Amnesia. Her pot was still a little heavy. So the other three all got 300 ml of aerated tap water with 1.5 ml fish/L pH'd down to 6.5
The plants are
14 days old today.
Medium is Compo Sana QualitätsBlumenerde. Stuff used to be perfect. I added worm castings and perlite to it this time- The mix is about 20% worm castings. I don't remember how much perlite I put in, I just winged it until it looked about right. I watered each 3 liter pot down with 1 liter distilled water with 1 ml Voodoo Juice/L and some molasses. about a quarter teaspoon per liter. No other additives.
According to the Compo site, the soil has a pH of 5.5 - 6.5. Here's the absolute shit part, taken from their site. (I threw the bag away right after filling the pots so I can't read what it says on there. But the bag was bought roughly three weeks before I filled the pots):
180 - 600 mg/l N Stickstoff verfügbar (CaCl2)
150 - 600 mg/l P2O5 Phosphat verfügbar (CAL)
200 - 600 mg/l K2O Kaliumoxid verfügbar (CAL)So how totally F*d is that?! Possible fluctuations of up to 300%??!! Then in the description -the marketing part- they say it has "...Organic NPK, Time Released NPK,..." See? It doesn't say that the Time Released NPK is also organic... Shit has me nervous. I'm so bummed about this change that they've made. They had a whole big data sheet with very detailed info on their site and now it's just not there. So they're hiding something, in my opinion. Untrustworthy, in my opinion and they've lost a customer.
The stuff is made here in Germany, so I've done a lot of German forum hopping and low and behold- lots of others are wondering what the hell happened to our cool CS QBE. All the "Big Wigs" in those forums are advising people to stay away, or only use their seeding mix. This stuff is also exported to Austria, Switzerland, Spain and France -probably more places- so Europe, be advised.
Lights have been on 24/0 from the beginning, starting with 300w CFL 6500k till day 9 and then exchanging 250 of those watts for my GN MS006. I'd be changing the cycle to 20/4 now but I'm not so sure about
anything right now.
Temps are good, fluctuating between 25.5° and 29°C / 77° and 84°F.
Humidity is always a little low, I fight to try to keep it around 50%. Of course I'd love to go higher but my humidifier is dead.
Circulation is also good. You can see the fan in the pics and my exhaust and filter are good with three passive intakes on the sides and back of the tent on the floor, typically.
There are no
bugs or critters eating or tunneling or laying eggs or doing any other buggy things in there.
So the FA had that Epsom foliar and it seemed to make the yellowing stop. Then like I said, all the others started showing different gradients of the same problem. All had a Fish and magnesium foliar then, and then the two feedings that I just mentioned.
I'll show you some pics of the 14 day olds and please help me help these poor little autos.
:Sharing One:
The Fast Amnesia is hardest hit. Structure is also strange. She's the largest and fastest growing of them all. Could that be a key puzzle piece?
The Easy Ryder isn't as bad, but is hurting still. She also has some strange mutations going on.
The Cream Caramel is almost as bad off as the ER, but not quite.
And the S.A.D. looks pretty good. Just small...
Please let me know if more input is needed or ask away if you have any questions, and THANK YOU for looking!
BIG---> :hug: for all of you! :Sharing One: