High again AFN!
Here's me begging your forgiveness again for my laziness. I'm still working the math for slowing down this illusion of time, but it's so damn tricky.:dunno:Till I figure it out I'll just continue sharing pie-wedge pieces of me with everything. This wedge won't be as large as I'd like it to be.
I also hope you all had a fine Christmas! Ho! Ho! Ho!, belatedly.
Some of the best trich shots I've seen! Amazing!! I want one of those toys you got!
I don't even smoke cigarettes, but after all that, I'm fiending for a whole pack!
You are absolutely killin' it, Noods! You brought the seXXXy with these ladies here!
Bandit, thank you very much for the kindness! :Sharing One:
When I grew out the auto Cream Caramel it smelled like some grape lip gloss shit my girl used in high school. Lol. I remember that smell.

I remember exactly what you're talking about. Oh man that stuff tasted sweet, though, didn't it?! :thumbs: :Sharing One:
GOT DAMN MAN!!I love those Micro shots man.those are uber awesome man!Im super jealous.I want one!!love the focus it gives a nice natural depth too.
Thanks my friend! Happy Growing! :Sharing One:
Goodness gracious bud shots so bodacious!
I'll take one of those....and one of these...and some of those....
Superb growing and shots my friend! I'm fairly certain that I am ordering all of those beans on my next purchase. You're quite the salesman my friend!
Truu buddy! Glad you like! :Sharing One:
But please, I don't wanna be a salesman. Weed should be free and shared freely and NOT fucking used as ANOTHER evil source of revenue for ... na, forget it.
Much Love my brother :hug:
Just incredible!
I thank you very stonely Trap! :Sharing One:
He's baaa-aaack!! Noods my very good brother, I was wondering,...not worrying yet (seen ya ninja around a bit!), but,... quite alright then, mate,... We'll take all the Noodity we can get!! And any affiliated porn too- speaking of which,......
Ooooh-hooo-hooo,.... Noods, you couldn't paint a more lovely plant! Wooow,... SAD is a study in resin and Fall colors,...that deep, rich purple-red on the cola tops is stunning,..yellow-green leaves burnished with red,..this contrast is so appealing to my eyes! The plants are so beautiful at this stage, you wish you could keep them all through Spring, just as they are,....... And those fat-phat chunky buds?! Fogeddaboutit!! It's a bud pyramid- ....man-oman, she really packed the goods on at the end, ay? With neutron density too!...She looks so ripe Noods, SAD+ high amber = poleaxed !! ...**... LOL!- What an interesting dichotomy in aromas!! ...aromatics do some fascinating stuff sometimes,... to get such drastic changes in olfactory perception in such a short distance, makes me marvel, and wonder just what's happening with the chemistry to cause this! A couple night fragrant orchids I have are like this-- up close, the perfume is powerful sweet floral, but the room stanks like rotten potpourri! ...**... All this in just 76 days, deeply ripe no less... auto's still amaze me! *sigh*...Alas for us, the lack of other live porn! I can only imagine what the CC looked like,...... We'll simply have to make do with- *ahhehheeemm* -dry porn shots of everybody! ... and wait until the next round,... You, good saaaahhh, are a Magician! Please, allow me to put a little rosy in your cheeks my friend!
Waira.... I'm so sorry for not being more responsive, my dear friend. I wish I could share some of this fine SAD with you. Just to share the high with you and slow you down so I could give you proper feedback. :Sharing One:
Noodity is gonna be on hold for a while, I'm sorry to say. I took my tent down and packed everything up again. I gotta lotta weed that's gonna see me waaaaay through the coming year. Growing more now would be more hassle than fun. That's harshly put, I think. I mean that I love growing, and I want to put real quality time into it, with real heart-felt vibes. I can't do that with my head full of school stuff. I know that you know what I'm talking about.
That SAD certainly did turn out special. Real pretty. Glad I got the pics.
Thanks so much for your posts my brother! :hug:
Brother Noods, finally getting caught up with my reading. I didn't realize you were from Schwarzwald. Tell all of my friends in Schopfheim I send my kindest regards. Oh how I do miss my good friends and my tannenzäpfle hikes in the forrest. Rothaus, of course.
I will just leave this here. There are so many to choose from I have a difficult time selecting my favorite but this on ranks among the highest of my all time favorite songs and the cellist's passion for the song really speaks to me.
Much love.
You're plucking my heart strings right now A4. :hug:
First off, that video is awesome. I posted it myself here on the forum somewhere... don't remember where.. But THANKS for seeing it and thinking of me and sharing it here! Please watch it, people. :thumbs:
Nice one! :thumbs:
And last, Holy Shit, dude! We were probably neighbors at one time. Well, near neighbors, or something like that. I'm living right on the southern edge of our luscious Rothauser Land right now. Till I quit a few weeks ago I was working in Bad Säck.. and Wehr. How cool is that?
You want a taste of Südschwarzwald goodness? Check it out:
Yesterday morning. I guess a stroll is in order kiddies...
Sadly, you get this stuff, too...
But that doesn't bother the wee ones...
This morning just before the Sun came up over the mountain...
Much Love AFN! :hug:
Some bud-shots in the very near future. (I promise, Waira!) Got em in my album, but this wedge of me is finite in it's proportions, sorry.
:Sharing One: