Indoor Delightful Fall Mix

Ya no, Noods I was beginning to think your weren't gonna bless us with your talent anymore when you took that break! Amazing looking as always. Love that you have leds now also. I was gone for a while too. Good to see ya brother! :drool: :Sharing One:
Thank you Duggy! :Sharing One:

Hi Guerrilla! :Sharing One: :hug:
How's it been? Good I hope. I started with some f#d up soil this round and my girls were unhappy from the get-go. But I coaxed them along lovingly and although they aren't going to give me massive weight, they are giving me some real quality bud, and that's what counts. I didn't let the fact that this soil was messed up get to me -took me just a day or two to accept it, I'll admit- and decided to just love them for what they are and so far the Amnesia is a thrill to puff on, literally, and the Easy is just perfect- very true to herself.

I've been calling the Easy Ryder my Philosophers Herb. Moderated intake has me THINKING until my brain starts smoking out of my ears and I have to shake it off. I have little notes written on little pieces of paper all over the place (collected on occasion for perusal) full of ideas that I get when loosing myself in her stern sweetness. The lemony taste is refreshing with an earthy, nutty exhale and aftertaste that feels like a conduit to Mother. Grounding and stoney, holding the body still, while allowing the brain to fantasize and to philosophize and to make bad ass music, all under spirit's guidance.
I'm just as impatient to finally try some Sweet Afgani Delicious as I am waiting for my secret favorite CC to finish. I have a feeling I'm gonna fall in love with the SAD, too.

AFN! Sorry, but my sense of social and civic duty compels me. For the following exercise you will need to get high. Get your favorite headphones or earbuds and set your audio appliance to a loudness setting that is just a 10,000th of a decibel under "uncomfortable". Now get more high. Stick your earbuds in your head or your headphones on your ears and let this be a Mantra for you for

Right In Two
Angels on the sideline,
Puzzled and amused.
Why did Father give these humans free will?
Now they're all confused.
Don't these talking monkeys know that Eden has enough to go around?
Plenty in this holy garden, silly monkeys.
Where there's one you're bound to divide it right in two.

Angels on the sideline,
Baffled and confused.
Father blessed them all with reason,
And this is what they choose?
Monkey killing monkey killing monkey over pieces of the ground.
Silly monkeys.
Give them thumbs, they forge a blade,
And where there's one they're bound to divide it right in two.

Monkey killing monkey killing monkey over pieces of the ground.
Silly monkeys.
Give them thumbs, they make a club and beat their brother down.
How they've survived so misguided is a mystery.
Repugnant is a creature who would squander the ability
To lift an eye to heaven, conscious of his fleeting time here.

Gotta divide it all right in two.

Fight till they die over sun, over sky,
They fight till they die over sea, over air,
They fight till they die over blood, over love,
They fight till they die over words, polarizing.

Angels on the sideline again,
Benched along with patience and reason.
Angels on the sideline again,
Wondering where this tug of war will end.
Gotta divide it all right in two.


I love you! :hug: (The thing about that, though, is that I really do.)
Have a nice Fucking Friday! "uuuuggghhhh.."

NOOOODS! Wow man I have missed some great bud porn you've been shucking out. WOW! Great pics too bro. I Have GOT to get me hands on some of that CC. You did her some great justice and I'm sure the smoke will pay you back 10 fold brotha. Now scuse' me while I go get rid of this thing after those pics. :bone:

Have a great weekend bro! :Sharing One: :hug:
Ahhhhhh Noods Great bud porn for our viewing pleasure. Good tunes for our listening pleasure. Now all ya gotta do is figure a way to post the smell and taste of those buds and you'll have most of the senses covered. Love it man!
Noods, you know I love some easy ryder porn. She looks lovely. im growing cream caramel just in hopes I can get a noods worthy sample in the end. Stunning sample my friend
Bahahaha Good to have ya back!! :kusht:
:d5: :Sharing One:

Awesome shite bro!! ....soo anyway I can convince you to enter my beer can grow off? It would be great to have another great friend in the mix! Would def add to the fun if u joined up! Here is the link..check it out and let me know?:)
Thanks for the kind words and for the invite my friend!
:Sharing One: <---Some fresh Amnesia for Focus! :pass:

NOOOODS! Wow man I have missed some great bud porn you've been shucking out. WOW! Great pics too bro. I Have GOT to get me hands on some of that CC. You did her some great justice and I'm sure the smoke will pay you back 10 fold brotha. Now scuse' me while I go get rid of this thing after those pics. :bone:

Have a great weekend bro! :Sharing One: :hug:
:rofl: Truu, brother, Do try the CC. You've seen the other ones I've grown. So you know they got much more in them than this poor little one in her dumb batch of soil. Seeing how you are enjoying your scog-ing, you might have some good fun with her. You usually get one long ass main stem and many loooong side branches. I'd love to see her under a screen. Damn, a Sea of Cream Caramel.... H o l y F u c k !
If you can appreciate a very warm, soft, cloudy, dreamy "high", you'll like her. That's why she's my Nighty-Night Weed. The taste is just a damn treat, too.
Glad you like the pics! :karma Cloud::karma Cloud::karma Cloud::Sharing One:

@ waira...

JM, we'll have more of that please and thank you. :hug:

Ahhhhhh Noods Great bud porn for our viewing pleasure. Good tunes for our listening pleasure. Now all ya gotta do is figure a way to post the smell and taste of those buds and you'll have most of the senses covered. Love it man!
Duckster my friend, thanks for that. :Sharing One:
But I will not be embolden by your subtle nudgery to explain olfactory sensations at this time. :Hookah:
I'll try soon though my friend! :hug:

Noods, you know I love some easy ryder porn. She looks lovely. im growing cream caramel just in hopes I can get a noods worthy sample in the end. Stunning sample my friend
Prez! :bow: Stop that. *blush*
Friends Of ER--->:d5:<---Cool Weed!
:Sharing One:

I took down my Sweet Afgani Delicious last night. Got some cool pics to show you later on. First we're spending this cold and rainy, grey Sunday morning putting snow tires on wifey's car and walking through a soggy evergreen forest with the kids. Apart from the snow tires, it's gonna be awesome.

Much Love AFN! :hug: "AFN smoke out"