Waira, my friend! That sounds great- Rinderrolladen mit Rotkohl und Spätzle... Lecker! I'm glad you enjoyed it. You are hereby officially invited to come and visit us and have some classic German dishes done by a classy German babe -Wifey- and all that done up Paleo Style. You'll never go back.
My situation has settled quite a bit, thank you. I certainly was quite stressed and insecure for a while, but things are clicking into place and it will all be good. :thumbs:
About the Worm Casting Poultice; It's very simple. I used a piece of green garden wire to pull the branch back up in place and close the wound. Then I used a bit of the tea that I had brewed for the feeding they were getting at that time and some worm poop to make a thick paste. I don't remember what exactly was in the tea at that time, although I do have it jotted down, but I don't think it's that important. It probably would have worked just as well with just water to make the poultice. Anyway, I just packed it on over the break, in the crook where the branch meets the stem (axil?), and made it real thick and was very generous with it. Then I just kept that moist as best I could for about a week, little longer maybe. Then I just slowly washed it away while spraying the top layer of soil as I always do before feeding to help absorbancy. Simple as that.
Yes, the SAD is gonna be AWESOME! Woo-WEE! Can't wait. I will definitely have to do the next one in a big ass pot to get me a big ass babe with some big ass buds for some bad ass meds!
Thanks for the quick witted posts my friend! Always, always welcome! :hug:
Astro, I'm sorry for causing the extended erectional disorder. Although it was my aim to excite you. I'm sure that if you do in fact need a padonka cast, they might be able to form it so... no, forget it. Let's not go there.
Thank you for hanging out my brother! :hug:
Mossy, my dear Auntie M! Thanks for stopping by. :Sharing One:
Don't worry about these horny buggers... They're quiet civilized around human ladies. It's the Green Species that gets them all slobbering and sloppy. You can usually quiet them down with one or two bong hits. No problems, I can assure you.
Please continue to stop by my tent. You are more than more than welcome!!:hug::hug::hug:
Bandit, glad you likey! :Sharing One: :hug:
Dub, watching you grow this one over the last few years is the reason I decided to grow one. Your plants and descriptions of the smells and the high sold me on it. And I am VERY GLAD for it! This Afghan Candy smell is f'n mesmerizing! I can do without the cat piss, my Cream Caramel is smelling like a fart right now, until you rub her, then the red berry comes out. Also crazy enchanting.
Much Love to you my brother! :hug:
officinalis, thanks! :Sharing One: :hug:
My situation has settled quite a bit, thank you. I certainly was quite stressed and insecure for a while, but things are clicking into place and it will all be good. :thumbs:
About the Worm Casting Poultice; It's very simple. I used a piece of green garden wire to pull the branch back up in place and close the wound. Then I used a bit of the tea that I had brewed for the feeding they were getting at that time and some worm poop to make a thick paste. I don't remember what exactly was in the tea at that time, although I do have it jotted down, but I don't think it's that important. It probably would have worked just as well with just water to make the poultice. Anyway, I just packed it on over the break, in the crook where the branch meets the stem (axil?), and made it real thick and was very generous with it. Then I just kept that moist as best I could for about a week, little longer maybe. Then I just slowly washed it away while spraying the top layer of soil as I always do before feeding to help absorbancy. Simple as that.
Yes, the SAD is gonna be AWESOME! Woo-WEE! Can't wait. I will definitely have to do the next one in a big ass pot to get me a big ass babe with some big ass buds for some bad ass meds!
Thanks for the quick witted posts my friend! Always, always welcome! :hug:
Astro, I'm sorry for causing the extended erectional disorder. Although it was my aim to excite you. I'm sure that if you do in fact need a padonka cast, they might be able to form it so... no, forget it. Let's not go there.
Thank you for hanging out my brother! :hug:
Mossy, my dear Auntie M! Thanks for stopping by. :Sharing One:
Don't worry about these horny buggers... They're quiet civilized around human ladies. It's the Green Species that gets them all slobbering and sloppy. You can usually quiet them down with one or two bong hits. No problems, I can assure you.
Please continue to stop by my tent. You are more than more than welcome!!:hug::hug::hug:
Bandit, glad you likey! :Sharing One: :hug:
Dub, watching you grow this one over the last few years is the reason I decided to grow one. Your plants and descriptions of the smells and the high sold me on it. And I am VERY GLAD for it! This Afghan Candy smell is f'n mesmerizing! I can do without the cat piss, my Cream Caramel is smelling like a fart right now, until you rub her, then the red berry comes out. Also crazy enchanting.
Much Love to you my brother! :hug:
officinalis, thanks! :Sharing One: :hug: