Indoor Delightful Fall Mix

Hi-diddly-ho Noodorino! Ladies are looking fabulous in there sugar coats :hump: Hope all is well with you brother.
:Sharing One:
:Gary:Guten tag Herr Noods! ..the ketchup (catch up) wheel has finally swung me by again! Mmmm, much to reel in too,... 5 star thread all the way brudda! :grin: Firstly, your Phalaenopsis-- lovely! The variety of Phal's these days is crazy,... I really like the purple/freckled types though, a classic... The yellowing, did that happen after she was moved near that drafty window? Cool can do this,.... I don't think it's nutrition, otherwise you wouldn't have flower spikes,...I see nice plump green-white roots in pot and out,... (that outer layer is called velamen; it's absorbent layer, and also grips), so root rot is out too,.. too bright of light can cause this as well,... Medium light levels are what they like best Noods,.. try a foliar of Fe and N (got water spreader? --critical!), and keep her in lower light levels for a bit, and let's see is the color greens up!... cool drafts are infamous for causing bud drop too,...(oops, said that already!) ..perlite isn't critical, but very helpful! ***... a trick to try on the spent flower spikes: new ones, usually smaller, can sprout from upper nodes on the spike, if the plant is happy.... look for the first node back from where the lowest flower was; cut just above that,... any luck, a new one will form there! Most orchids don't do this with their spikes though,... Tomorrow, I'll post up pics of the 2 main growth pattern types in orchids, a bit about pseudobulbs- who has, doesn't, and why your eye's can't be trusted with some because of the extreme morphological modifications orchids are famous for-- LOL!
>>> "Bailers Booya"Wow, those buds are coming along very nicely Noods! The crowns are so plump already for this stage,... fat-phat is comin' up! :brow: I'm likin' that Amnesia's body! ...***....yeah, so there's a few cosmetic blem's on the girls-- big whoop! :roflcry: Given the unknowns working with this twitchy soil, I'd say things would be far, far worse with a less skilled grower my friend! And FA is just being consistent about her nute' sensitivities,...nothing wrong with the general growth and budding though! ....Ah, a pH estimate! I love these bar attenuation graphs for pH,... Yup Noods, only thing at this mildly alkaline pH that gets iffy and fits the symptoms is Fe,... Got one of those mixed metal supp's? ...***.... :drool: Mmmmm, Sweet CC!! One of the most consistent frost machines I can name ever! By pre-harv', she'll be simply obscene,...:hump: :wiz: Excellent pics brudda! ... 'Tis no crime to perv' out on da ladiezzz!! :devil:
:stylez rasta smoke: Howdy Noods! Here's a quick and dirty review about growth patterns....
Monopodial: These orchids grow more or less upwards from a main stem, with new leaves emerging at the top, one on top of the other; roots and flower spikes emerge from the sides, and on some, new "pup" plants usually lower down,... your Phal', that blue Cleisocentron (which has 3 pup's at the base), and these are monopodials--> 005.jpg this one shows both roots and spikes popping out ->>011.jpg... I'll scare up flower pics for the first one,..super cool-- White with purple tiger stripes! The other, a real night-only stinker, I'll look for something decent... very tough to get good pics of her flowers!
>>> the other pattern is called sympodial, and this is a much more diverse in appearance... these grow outward along the surface of where ever they're growing.. along a branch, over a rock, up a cliff face, over moss-- on a rhizome (botanical terminology hair-splitting :slaps:)... here's a very typical example: Laelia hybrid, with short distances between new growths-> (newest growth, near maturity, at pic bottom) 010.jpg ..fat ol' spike forming at upper left, just emerging011.jpg013.jpg.....some are very short, and branch in a clumpy pattern, like the Dendrochilum (big time!) I posted earlier, or like this monster Dendrobium speciosum (that's a 5gal bucket)...009.jpg007.jpg006.jpg... others grow more linear, with side branching to variable degrees; lots of branching often forms these really cool mats of growth like this Bulbophyllum and Pleurothallis (this particular species is very atypical of that genera)...012.jpg013.jpg007.jpg009.jpg.... note that the Bulbo' has classic pseudobulb and leaf morphology, while the Pleuro' (as a genera in whole) has no pseudobulbs at all-- that's all leaf,...looks like a succulent, huh! It's going into bloom soon,... I'll chill it outside for a few nights to speed this along... Still others have longer distances between growths, like that Trichoceros Fly orchid posted earlier, and this other species, and this other Bulbophyllum (this genera is one of the largest in the plant kingdom, 2500+ species!)010.jpg014.jpg001.jpg....So, that's growth patterns in broad strokes... Pseudobulbs are actually specialized thickened portions of a stem, used to store extra water and nutrients,... many can live off them alone for months! Monopodial pattern growers never form these, just the sympodial ones,... and true to typical orchid morphological diversity and exceptions-to-the-norm', pseudobulbs maybe reduced to nearly nothing, to something indistinguishable from the rest of the plant body ( like that Dendrobium above, which has "canes"), to the typical form like the Laelia above--distinct pseudobulb and leaf, to what you see in the Tricho's (middle pic)-- basal leaves only, the apical leaf is reduced to nearly nothing... only thing I know consistent about pseudobulbs is that they never have leaves growing from their sides!

Pics of flowers from some of the above plants: Laelia hybrid--> subtle water color beauty! 012.jpg011.jpg
Den. speciosum 001.jpg004.jpg ....Trichoglottis pusilla-->003.jpg....... hope you enjoyed my friend :Cool bud:-- thank you for indulging me!
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subbed up late to party but had to catch up with old crew. frosty beauties noods as always. can't wait to rejoin the photo sharing ranks new grow should be up in matter of days...
oh!oh!oh! oh! oh!oh!oh! ....aahhhhhhhhh! was it as good for you as it was for me??:grin:after that last porn show,"Dancing Psiren""Dancing Psiren"I feel satiatied for the day anyway.:hump:but it wont last nood's:no: so we will need another update soon!:hug::Sharing One:big love for the household!
@ wira.. you orchid whore!!:grin: they are beautiful:drool::clap::hug:
@ prez!!:tiphat:glad your back brother!:hug:this winter will be a blast from the past.:cool:
Awesome, my brothers! :bow: :bow: :bow:
Easy Ryder Special tonight. It's in honor of my good friend Prez! He knows his ER's.. :d5:

officinalis, sorry for not keeping in touch my brother. :hug: Life's got me by the balls right now and I'm trying to breathe. It's working, the trying, and I'm good and the family's good and the rest will all be good as well. It's just wave upon wave right now and I'm constantly changing from breast-stroke to butterfly and to this and that stroke... It's tiring right now. I had double flashes of very positive synchronicities today, though. Plus the whole day out in the yard in the sunshine... It was a good day. :thumbs:
I hope you and the family are well! :Sharing One:

Waira, what can I say... :crap:Thanks!! for all of that great info! :dance2::hug::Sharing One:
Please allow me to get back to you on the orchids. I got lots of free time coming up right quick so I'll be able to take lots of time for the forum. Thanks again, a real lot! And please keep it coming!

Eyes, my friend! :banghead: Thanks for the kindness! :hug: :Sharing One:

My dear, dear friend astro! :five:
I got a little tiny update tonight. Like I said, just the ER. Just a few pics and a quick hello is all.
Thank you for the Five Dong porn rating, my brother! :hug:
Prez, :hug:I've missed you! :Sharing One:

Nice! I'm glad you're still around and I will be looking for you and whatever you got going on. :Sharing One:
Now I'll show you my Easy Ryder.

She's 48 days today and this is her upper body...


She's in her Fall colors now. I pump her so full of grow and bloom food, but she's just eating herself like crazy. I've been removing leaves daily.

This is her lower body in her 3 liters of sad and sorry soil with a finger over the corner...


This is the top of her filling out and being very dense and hard ( :check: )....


And this is that branch I broke and fixed with a worm castings poultice. I forgot to take a picture of it again :slaps::slaps::slaps:
so I cropped one of the other pics... Anyway, it's the branch right in the middle, the one that looks like it has a little inch-worm crawling on top, where it meets the stem. That's part of the scarring..


Thanks for stopping by! I have so much more to say, but I have to go to sleep. The system demands my attention for 8 hrs tomorrow. Fuckers. That's all changing, though. :thumbs:

Much, much Love to you AFN! :hug:
:pighug: No worries, no rush Noods!... Cook while you got the gas!! ... We'll all keep just fine meantime,...:stylez rasta smoke:--- this here is luxury time, to be lingered over, and slowly absorbed,....Optic Osmotics, my friend! A good vibes relay station-- good stuff in,...:wiz: :Ohmmm.......::wiz: ....good stuff out,...

**** :brow: Okay, about a dash of garish color Noods? One of the few hybrids I have- Cattleya somethingorother... :roflcry: - an aclandiae hybrid, with some annoyingly lengthy compound name (pshhh- typical!)...and a weirdy-- this one is tetraploid (4n)!! ...I love the transluscency, the color layering, and the spotting on both sides of the petals/sepals-- very 3-D! ....powerful candy-floral perfume too,...fills the whole house! Alas, it's once a year blooming,.. but what a show for a few weeks! :Cheers: