Indoor Dehumidifier not removing enough moisture

May 7, 2013
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Hello I'm in full flower and have been using a dehumidifier for a few weeks now and I've noticed my HR in the dark period is going up to 50% when it is to stay at 40% I've cleaned out the coils and filter. Would the weather cause this or is it my dehumidifier? It's on full blast too
Hello I'm in full flower and have been using a dehumidifier for a few weeks now and I've noticed my HR in the dark period is going up to 50% when it is to stay at 40% I've cleaned out the coils and filter. Would the weather cause this or is it my dehumidifier? It's on full blast too
50% aint bad for them
Well it's 40 in the day but when the lights go off its 50 just a little paranoid about mold. Only got 2 weeks left would be gutting to see them moldy. Cheers man
50% is fine trust me man its all good
That is just the temperature shift causing the humidity numbers to change. The warmer the air the higher its water holding capacity is. So the reading will go up as the air cools and water vapor thickens. Those are sound numbers to have. My humidity is normally in the 60% or higher range. No NYC diesel or other mold prone strains, and warm temps have kept it at bay.
Thanks for asking this one, Think-I'm going through the same thing and I'm nervous as hell!
Thanks for asking this one, Think-I'm going through the same thing and I'm nervous as hell!

Its mainly to do withheld weather but take your dehumidifier apart carefully and clean the grills / coils. It will be full of dust. And you may have a filter on it to clean Aswel. That will help a lot!
It better be the weather, my humidifier is brand new! :biggrin:

But seriously, I really can't complain. This is wet season here in Eastern Oregon: it rains a lot, and it's not cold enough yet to freeze it out of the air. My apartment has been at 50 to 60, and inside the tent is usually around 35, so it's probably doing as well as it can.

It's funny. I never really noticed the humidity at different times of the year until I started growing weed...