For the last three weeks I've been at war with these annoying Fungus gnats as the populations multiplied right under my nose. The first signs of attack, apart from seeing the odd one flying about is yellow spots appearing on the leaves. Further investigation of the topsoil revealed maggot type larvae. Now as opposed to spending £20 of my hard earned beer money on nematodes I took the DIY approach. I took care of the mothers with a vacuum cleaner nozzle, great satisfactory fun by the way. As for the larvae, I've stopped watering to let the soil dry and buried some slices of potato at the depth I found them feeding. Hopefully this will lure them to feed on the potato slices instead of the roots. Once the potato slices are riddled with larvae they can be binned and fresh slices put in place. Does any one else have any tips that I can use to win the war? I'd be grateful for your feedback.