New Grower Deciding on a strain, need some input!

I grew photo's with cfl's and did alright but after being here and seeing all the great journal's using led's I switched over. you can get a 300w (theoretical as it will draw 180 or so) for about $100 and that will give a better yield than a cfl with less heat issue's imho.
I grew photo's with cfl's and did alright but after being here and seeing all the great journal's using led's I switched over. you can get a 300w (theoretical as it will draw 180 or so) for about $100 and that will give a better yield than a cfl with less heat issue's imho.

I'll keep that in mind for my next grow. :) My budget is kind of tight at the moment and i still have to purchase nutes, soil, perlite, and some equipment before my seeds get here. I will definitely check it out though. I've read about a few people using them. What was your cfl setup like? How much of a better yield did you see with the LEDs?
mine was a diy with 12 23w and a diy reflector. kinda sketchy now that I think about it,lol.still growing my first auto with the led but so far the bud's are bigger and denser and I still got 20-30 day's to go. good choice on the sweet seed's. check out opi250. he did some with cfl like your's. should help
mine was a diy with 12 23w and a diy reflector. kinda sketchy now that I think about it,lol.

you wanna talk about sketchy, this was MY first grow -View attachment 414042

hahahaha, beat THAT! We made a CFL hood from a rubbermaid bin and painted the inside reflective white and had random CFL's hangin out errr-whurr lol.

I cant really say I get the whole "X grams per X square feet" thing. So are you saying that if I have one plant that is X feet tall, i'll get x grams? lol like...i don't get it.

When Muddy replied to my thread, I felt like I was talking to a celebrity lol Cause I'd seen his name all over this site, and had seen him mentioned as "The Knowledgeable Muddy" on another site, so it almost felt like i had jorge cervantes or cheech marin commenting on my shit hahah


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too funny Mz.W. I don't understand all the x gram's/m2 stuff neither. only what I can see. marketing b.s. know's no bound's lol
m2=3 ft x 3 ft the short of it is, if the strain says 400g. m2 means under optimal conditions(ie, sufficient wattage, grow skills, you should be able to pull off 400 grams in a 3 ft x 3 ft tent with that strain. Now, the best wattage is .5 watts per square foot. so, for a 3 ft. x 3ft. tent(3x3=9) 9square feet.

9 square feet x .5 watts =450watts

So when people say something about growing a gram per watt being a good yield, now you know its optimal!

So, if you have a 3 x 3ft tent with a 450x light and you yield 400 grams, you are doing pretty good.

PS-not a marketing gimmick true facts!:thumbs:
OR we can just have fun growing, have a group smoke out and not worry about crazy math stuff while being high!"AFN smoke out"
thank's for clearing that up briman. didn't mean to disparage anyone as my age has jaded me a little. :)
......I had to google that bad? LOL

BTW- COMPLETELY off subject, but, I just saw this an thought it was HYSTERICAL.
Ahhhh, thats good ole Delaware for ya :D