Indoor db003's - PPP auto grow in super soil - 2x4 growlab gl80l tent - 600w MH/HPS

For how long do you think they will have to dry? Would you panic if you’d have to go away a week for vacation? Just asking for a friend lol [emoji23]

usually takes like 5 to 10 days to dry

you can leave it drying worse that will happen it will over dry but that's about it
time for a update on my last 2 plants in my tent now under my 315w cmh light

I just watered these plants with some plain water these two plants are 1x blackberry kush auto from Dutch passion and 1x dark devil auto from sweet seeds there in day [HASHTAG]#79[/HASHTAG] from sprout these two plants have seen it all

they started under a 600w MH until they were about 25 days from seed and then they got moved under a mars II 700w led and stayed under led for most of there life and when I received my 315w cmh lights they got moved under a 600w hps for just one day and last but not least there under the 315w cmh

still waiting for my seeds to germinate I noticed it was kind of cold in my cabinet were I had the zip lock bags with the seeds in them when I was checking on them this morning

so what I did was take a plastic cup and put the baggies in there and place it on top of my 315w cmh ballast and its acting like a heating mat I have been checking on it every few hours to make sure it does not get to hot for them and they seam fine nice and warm but not hot

here are a few screen shots of my pulse nano data

Screenshot-2018-2-11 Pulse App (0).png
Screenshot-2018-2-11 Pulse App(1).png
Screenshot-2018-2-11 Pulse App(2).png
Screenshot-2018-2-11 Pulse App(3).png
a few of the seeds were ready to be planted today

I planted 3 out of the 6 seeds I am germinating the other 3 still have not broke the shell yet I am going to give them another day to see if they germinate if not I still have more seeds I can germinate

just done watering my 2 plants and planted another seed today the last 2 seeds are taking there sweet ass time but have hopes they will sprout just got to wait and see

just trimmed up the first bud from my puff puff pass auto flower harvest that was in super soil

this was the main cola I chopped a week before I chopped the rest of the plants down the plant this bud came from was a Glueberry Express Autoflower (Glueberry OG x Pineapple Express) x Auto#1 from Puff Puff Pass cultivators

still needs to cure for a week or so before I start "testing it" all the other plants need more time I am thinking at least 5 more days to dry don't want to rush it I plan on saving all my trim for all the plants and making dry ice kief

time for another update on my plants and seedling under the 315w Prism Lighting Science cmh

I just planted my last auto seed this one took longer then all the others I am hoping this last one sprouts but I have high hopes

two of the auto seeds I planted have already fully broken ground and are showing there true leaves and one of the photo seeds is half way up I had to move the dirt around a bit to get it open from its shell but should be fine but for now I will leave the little clear cup over it just to be on the safe side

I still have one seed left to plant and it is taking its sweet time to sprout the last one is a photo seed and I have only a few photo seeds so I am hoping it sprouts I just need to be patient

time for a quick update I got some good news and a some bad news

bad news the last photo seed that was germinating was a dud it stopped all growth and turned to mush kind of sucks but it happens

good news the other photo seed I planted broke ground today I am just waiting for the last two auto seeds to break ground I just gave the 3 seedlings there first watering of plain water I just gave them a lite watering I also watered my other 2 plants in my tent

just trimmed up one of the plants that was drying from my harvest it was one of the Silverback Autoflower (Gorilla Glue x White Widow) x Auto#3 from Puff Puff Pass cultivators and holy hell was this girl sticky and stinky now I just need to let it cure a bit

got a lot of good trim and a full half gallon jar of bud from it and even a nice ball of scissor hash for later and I still got like 5 more plants to go but I am going to take my time since some of them still need a day or two more of drying time

trimming sucks but its just another part of the grow I just put on my headphones and bump some good music and trim away I might trim another plant later in the day

Every time I come around your journal you got some awesome stuff brewing around. Be it germination, harvesting or plants in full flower, you do your share of work and it's very good :bow::slap:. Happy growing dude :vibe:.
well it looks like a few of my seedlings did not make it so I just started to germinate a few more for my 315w cmh grow