Mephisto Genetics Day 39. Are my Tyrone's too small?

Kelp actually contains natural PGR's (plant growth regulators) and if you use too much in the veg stage it will stop vertical growth.
I think the feed may have been way off and also to early. I also think the light is a big part of it as well. If it's the pink roleadro that is the least complete spectrum going.
My roleadro is the white one. I was foliage spraying and mulch soaking with liquid seaweed, 1 tsp per quart of water, early on. But stopped once I got some fungus gnats. I got that problem taken care of rather quickly. I do add to my water every other watering though, as well as molasses and fish emulsion.
After moving them 12" away one of them started looking a bit weird and then grew bananas in a few places. I went ahead and moved the lights up a couple inches. They
ve gotten fatter and dense but still only about 5 inches tall. They look like theyre almost done.
Next time I think I'll try coco and some better lights. Would this light do well from seed to harvest in a 2'x4' along with one of the blurples I have?
Thanks for the feedback and thoughts everyone.
I'd say 2 of them in a 2×4 would be rocking it.
Dang 600$ is bit much for me maybe. I guess I will have try and find a good 400-600 watt hps/mh. Gotta find one that gives off little to no RFI/EMI though if anyone has recommendations..
Since my fan and filter are 6" does that mean I can only use 600 watt light?
Get cmh lec they are the future of cannabis growing. Best bang for your buck.

How's the heat on those? Do you think heat would be manageable in 2x4x6? I saw a couple Gavita, but it said they couldn't be air cooled so I didn't know if it would be too hot. They sound interesting.