Indoor Dankerson Grows Mephisto, Night Owl, and Ronin Gardens w/ Grow Dots

I'm not using dots.....only sohum living soil... my hydrostore told me I need to top dress them in flower....they pointed me towards happy frog fruit and flower organic top I put 1/4 cup to each calls for 1 cup for plants that are 2ft... well see wat happens...hope I didn't fuck up....but ya I quit using dots....I looked up and it said I need to add nutrients with living soil and compost teas....idk...thanks for the info....
Top dressing in living soil is exactly how you want to feed. Thats how Ive grown in the past and it makes things easy. The goal is to feed the soil which in turn feeds your plants. But it also important to keep the soil moist at all times or the goodies (bacteria/fungi/eco system) inside the soil will die or go dormant. I also find that having a mulch layer, weather that is worm castings or bark or a mulching straw (my goto), helps keep the top layer moist as well. I dont have to water as much that way either. Compost teas definitely help provide the soil with food and bacteria and things to help your soil thrive. Sounds like your doing everything right so far :thumbsup:
:yeahthat: With living soil that's what you need to do!
Looking pretty spectacular in there.....what is the cost per pound on the grow dots?...the Osmocote ran me about 12 bucks for 2 pounds. I used a slinding scale on the last run of recomended dosage, 1.5 dosage and twice dosage to suss out a good amount and am doing 1.5 dosage this round. Not enough left for another round of 6 4 gal. pots but stoner math tells me a 2 pound bottle should do about 3 rounds.....
Looking pretty spectacular in there.....what is the cost per pound on the grow dots?...the Osmocote ran me about 12 bucks for 2 pounds. I used a slinding scale on the last run of recomended dosage, 1.5 dosage and twice dosage to suss out a good amount and am doing 1.5 dosage this round. Not enough left for another round of 6 4 gal. pots but stoner math tells me a 2 pound bottle should do about 3 rounds.....
Thanks man! I've really been liking the dots so far. With the dots it comes out to .07¢ a gram of dots so at 20g per gallon that ends up being $1.47 for a 1 gallon pot and $4.41 for a 3 gallon.

Their regular size bag that's $50 will treat 34 gallons of medium at 20g/gallon. I was able to get 11 x 3 gallons and a 1 gallon out of one bag of dots. IMO it's cheaper than bottle nutes and even easier.

Day 69:

Getting very close to chop time in the tent! The original 6 are all really packing on the buds and showing their colors. I will likely give them one more compost tea as to not waste any but it'll likely be water from here on out for them. Guessing another week or so for some of them and others will have to go another week after that as I'll be out of town on a trip.

The Ripple - This plant is really packing on the poundage. Very impressed with the nugs on this one, they're massive. And the bum wine smell is just intoxicating.

Queen's Banner - This has been the one finicky plant of the bunch. Been falling all over itself since around day 40. It almost seemed to have stalled completely and I was about to pull it till a few days ago. Got a slight renewed vigor and is bulking up a bit more and starting to throw out violet stems and black leaves. Will likely be the first to finish but I will let this one ride for now. Smell is definitely more of a hazy smell, not as much as my cosmic apprentice but very similar.

Orlando's Magic - the surprise contender in the tent. Came up from behind to really surprise me so far. Appears to be starting it's fade in the last few days. Very frosty and smells wonderful, some type of fruity smell I can't quite pinpoint yet.

Mephisto's Wedding - this one was almost in the same boat as the queens banner. Didn't really seem to have much action the past week or so but the last few days it appears to be starting to bulk up and put on some more color. Staring to see some purple highlights pop up as well as some black coloration on a few lower leaves. Smell is a bit odd right now, nothing like wedding cake yet.

Galaxy Brain - This plant is one of my favorites, the smell is an extremely intoxicating sweetish berry smell with something else in the background. Is one of the larger plants with some beautiful buds that are bulking up nicely. Had to provide supports so it doesn't fall over. It's pretty hard into it's fade now with a lot of beautiful purples showing through.

Mngo Mrrr - The monster of the tent, largest plant Ive grown yet I gotta say. Remember this plant was topped. A wonderful sweet smell is coming off this plant, almost like mangos but not quite. This one has the best fade I've seen going on yet. Can't say I've had a black pheno before and the way this is looking is just amazing.

Day 50

The Blackberry responded very well to the schwazzing. It's bulking up more and more, putting on that very deep purple this strain got its name for. Doing very well overall. The lights were a tad close so it got a bit of light bleaching up top.

Samsquanch OG is the shorter one of the bunch. Despite that it's packing on the bud and the frost. Been doing some light defoliation to open up the top a bit. I lowered the UVA increments to 10 mins and raised the lights up as it was showing more signs of light burn/bleaching. Overall doing great!

Day 47:

All 3 Jack's Dream are doing wonderful as well. They kept getting taller so I had to raise the lights up to the ceiling. Had a bit of light bleaching going on but that has stopped since they were raised. Other than that they are doing so great. Really packing on the frost and buds.

Day 20:

The 3 muntants are doing very well still! They were topped on day 18 and havent missed a beat since. The granite haze is even a trifoliate, which I thought was very cool. Stone Fruit (left), Granite Haze(center), and Supreme Runtz(right)

Thanks for stopping by everyone!
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