New Grower Danielsaaan’s Third Grow

Appreciate it! For now, leaving as is. We’ll see how things progress
Take a read through this thread It’s a long one but somewhere in there guys talk about using the Epsom salts granted it’s coast of Maine soil not fox farm they are very similar

Day 36: Haven’t bothered them much. New growth looks pretty good. Will give bloom nutrients going forward. DLI: 31.0-32.6. Should I begin slowly raising my DLI?
Go ahead and turn it up just a little, wait a day and turn it up again, wait a day and adjust again. You get the idea, do it in a bunch of steps over a week to a week and a halfs time. Watch for any neg reaction by the plants and if you see any, step back one step for a day or so and then continue till you are at 40dli
What’s the consensus on giving Recharge through flower? I know some people stop due to the extra Nitrogen (which it seems they have plenty of)? I do have some Unsulfured blackstrap molasses I could be using in its place. Thoughts?
I'd usually stop about 2 weeks before finish. Mostly just cause it's a waste. The molasses will definitely help though so that would be a good substitution.