Indoor Dale’s SOLO thread

Auto Creeper solo cup Day 48
Auto Creeper solo cup Day 48

Well first trip away went pretty smooth except I was feeling frisky and up the the amount of feeding per day to every 2 hours for 5 min. But i didn't think about my rez not being big enough:nono: so i came home to a not so happy girl but she is pulling through:doh: I doubled the size of my rez since I will be leaving again this weekend and now I should have plenty of feed to be gone for a couple days. I will remove the leaves that don't come back before I leave again. Other then that seems its fattening up time :woohoo1::pop:


You think she is ugly now you should have seen her yesterday :haha::yoinks: Thanks for stopping by :pass:
.....custom solo cup holders? long before it's mainstream and commercialized?
razzing on ya, but yours look nice...about the 5th set of custom holders I've seen in the last month or so..
Thanks Bill not sure why it is a trend:crying: I had been scratching my head on what to do keep them for falling over you know what i do for living so it only took me a few mins and some scraps while the boss was away:haha:. BUT I did save the drawing to make more:eyebrows: guess I better get patented on it and get it to SOH for testing
Auto Creeper solo cup Day 50
Auto Creeper solo cup Day 50

She is still alive :whew:I did some defoliation of the dead ugly leaves today:warrior: She is recovering great from the missed fergations last weekend. We should be good to go this weekend with the larger rez :goodluck:


She is getting frosty I am glad they sent plenty of beans for me to try this looks delicious:drool:

As always :welcome:everyone:thanks:for stopping by:pass::vibe:
Auto Creeper solo cup Day 55
Auto Creeper solo cup Day 55

Well the irrigation setup was a success this weekend plenty of food for her and everything ran smooth :woohoo1:I now just need to get some black hose for the supply line since I used clear and have since found out that is a :nono: as it will bloom algae:d5: So i will pick some black up this week locally and swap out and should be good to go:headbang:

She is moving along quickly won't be long and we will be scoping her :yay:


Yup you know it As always thanks for stopping by :welcome::thanks::vibe::smokeout:
Auto Creeper solo cup Day 56
Auto Creeper solo cup Day 56

Welp :bored: I pulled auto creeper out and scoped her thought she was looking close since hairs had starting turning So i figured Ibetter check her out:photog:


Measured her since I figure she ain't getting much taller right around 18-19":woohoo1:


I took some flash shots of her as well since I know you ALL love be flashed :haha:

oh boy she is closer than I thought :yoinks::yay::woohoo:

As always thanks for stopping by & good morning, good evening, and good night :rofl: :welcome::thanks::vibe::smokeout: