Indoor Dale's 3x3 with marshydro FC-3000

We got life barely but everyone poking up but Cherry cola..... Tomorrow will be day 1 I think by then they will be fully up and ready.... Pots are really light and about dry I will give the pots a feeding of wk 1 diluted 200 ppm ish to 20% runoff very carefully

Night Owl Mngo Mrrr Germination Day 1
She up and ready to go got a little something funny going on with her leaf tips but nothing to alarming :biggrin::woohoo:

Fastbuds Cherry Cola Germination
Well unfortunately the first bean did not germ not sure what happened bean hadn't done anything :oops1: I really wanted to try this one again so I dropped my last one in a warm seed soak last night. I put seed in seed scuffing tube first then soaked for 3 hrs into the final home that I flushed again also:condom: using a humidity dome this time may have not had enough moisture the first time :shrug::goodluck:

Whole tent Day 1 Everyone got feed to 20% runoff wk 1 diluted to <200ppm.... Nothing changed with lighting girls seem fine if not too much light not stretching at all:biggrin: :headbang: :woohoo1: temps and rh have been fine right around 80F / 60-65% rh:cooldance:

Whole tent Day 2
Whole tent Day 2 almost 3 Lookin good nothing to report :cooldance: I suspect CC should be up tomorrow if not Monday :goodluck:


Fastbuds Cherry Cola Auto germination
Completely forgot to update:doh: But the second Cherry Cola germinated she was up on monday so i removed the dome and she got some feed <200ppm wk1 to just slight runoff then I left her till today which pot seemed pretty light again so I feed the girls again 200 ppm wk1 ph 5.85..Looking good so far :cooldance::yay::woohoo:


11/9/22 Day 3

Whole tent Day 6
The rest of the gang is looking good not much to report feeding to 20% runoff every other day <200ppm ph 5.8 wk1.. I am going to get the rez setup for them tomorrow and starting getting them automated by the weekend:cooldance: No change in lighting yet they look to be getting plenty for now no stretching:cools:

Whole tent Day 9 & 6
Well update time been busy getting rez and irrigation system cleaned and setup. Which i am ready think i will turn on so for now girl will get feed 1 maybe 2 times a day for 15 min using .5 gph drip emitters that should give 1l feed per pot (stoner testing) which also is what it has been taking get 10-20% runoff when I feed so we should be good to go girls still getting 200ppm ph 5.85:shooty: :headbang:

Girls are staying real short and squatty so I have been raising the light up I am at 30" from the pot now at 30% ish still running 24/0 but will switch to 18/6 in a couple days


Temps and rh have been good thinking I will remove the humidifier once I go 18/6 it is getting old keeping it full and I haven't need one in the past once girls get old enough :goodluck:


So I ran into a little issue completely overlooked having 4 flora flex caps on the ez-pz trays was going to be too wide and they would overlap.. So I ended modify them to fit my 3 gallon grow bags... used a torch and a razor bade heat the blade up glowing with propane torch and cut right through like butter :shooty: Now they fit perfect and I can train to the side of the bags when the time comes :cooldance::woohoo:
