Outdoor Daledays Spannabis 2020

Glad to hear it mate! Yeah spain as a whole has had the virus really bad, but the area where i am has had hardly any cases since the beginning, so fingers crossed it stays like that!

Yeah ive gotten rid of the GSC's and the afghan now. But we still have the 6 so all is good!

Yeah i think its dutch passion, its definitely one of the dutch companies... im pretty sure theyre barcelona based too, which is great for me!
:pass:Great to hear you area is good mate with the virus. I heard Spain had it bad with the virus, i think the US must be the worse now.

They look great the 6 remaining seedlings. I tried the toothpick with tall leggy seedlings also, a bit fiddly but when replanting i put them a tiny bit deeper. I was told to do that when i did my first grow, lol mine were very leggy.