Outdoor Daledays Spannabis 2019

So i got the wrong soil today without realising until i got Home. Don't think there is too much difference.

Original soil


New soil

I'll be using both to fill up all the pots so I'll try to remember what goes where if i can!
Blue diesels were just potted! Going to do the XXL's tomorrow or the day after.

Blue diesels will be in the original soil ive been using in my first grow and the XXLs will be in the new soil when i do them.

Its crazy how much soil these pots hold. Watering them got very messy loool! Pure mud flying out the holes! Pretty sure the soil will settle into the pots nicer after a few waterings though.
airpots can be a bugger to fill.i fill mine inside a bin liner,well my pots are only 3L or 6L.and bash bang whollop them to get the soil settled.
when i get a leggy seedling,i just pile a handfull of soil round the base and its not so leggy then :eyebrows:
one fell over :oops1: but so far so good :thumbsup:
good luck n keep er lit
airpots can be a bugger to fill.i fill mine inside a bin liner,well my pots are only 3L or 6L.and bash bang whollop them to get the soil settled.
when i get a leggy seedling,i just pile a handfull of soil round the base and its not so leggy then :eyebrows:
one fell over :oops1: but so far so good [emoji106]
good luck n keep er lit
Yeah when i do the others later on im gonna try and pack out each cone on the sides while I'm filling them, instead of Just banging and shaking them like i did on them ones. Not sure whether i should try to redo them or see how it goes
Right guys so just put 3 afghan XXLs in pots.
One didnt pop up, and one sprouted and then the seed casing took its leaves with it (wtf), so have just planted a regular afghan auto in its place. Havent potted this one as only planted today.

Spent a lot more time filling these 3 pots, and im happier with how they are. Not much came blasting out the sides like last time. After reading up a bit on how to fill them, found a few guys (cant remember who) said to have a sort of concave topsoil, so water wont run straight down the edges and instead spreads itself out through the soil, from center outward. This also seems to help.

Currently 9 seedlings in 20L airpots, and my dads 1 seedling in a regular 11L pot. Will have one more in a airpot too soon!
Checking on the babies today, and first off, either my idiot of a cat or someone elses dirty fucker decided to take a dump while sitting ontop of one of my pots. Shit fell all down the side of the pot onto the terrace floor, and then it mustve decided to scrap up the topsoil as it was all over the place. Luckily it didnt seem to damage any seedlings in the process.

I did notice one had fell asleep and laying down on the soil, dont think this was the cat though. This was one of the lankier ones, so ive stuck a toothpick in next to it and put a couple of ties around it just for support. Hopefully it will stand on its own very soon. I also done this to 2 others, which were also tall although they hadnt fell over. On all the others ive pushed a load of the topsoil together around them to give them some support also. First time ive put seedlings straight into the big pots but Pretty sure these things will help them. Ive got some big ass bamboo sticks too if the toothpicks aint good enough, see how they go.


Lol you can see the cat shit in the background of that pic :crying: priorities are healthy plants before a clean terrace!!

Im going to be cautious about over watering them as i did at the start of my last/first grow, and theyre in bigger pots.
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Right guys quick update:

The extra seed i planted has now shed the seed casing so will be planting that one soon too, probably tomorrow or the next day as the root is beginning to show at the bottom of the cube.

They mostly seem to be starting off quite well. The true leaves are all getting bigger now and they seem to be happy with their new pots. Im trying to be careful not to overwater, if anything i want to be closer to underwatering them, so even though the topsoil looks dry it is actually still moist underneath so ill probably water them again tomorrow.

The one that tipped over doesnt seem to have developed as much as the others, so what ive done today is ive put the 3 taller plants deeper into the pot, so theyre now a similar size to the others. Ive read somewhere that the stems will eventually shoot roots out if theyre under soil so hopefully this will help it recover better. Taken the toothpicks away as theyre supporting themselves now theyre deeper.

9 pics coming up as theyre all close ups of each one.

Blue diesels:


Afghan mass XXLs (middle pic is the one that fell over):

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You can water right around the seedlings in a small circle, and then water further and further out as the plant grows larger. If you underwater at this stage, you'll lose a few seedlings since the roots probably aren't too deep just yet.

The new mix has more coco, so it should dry out a little faster than the old mix. Something to watch out for!

Good luck, I'm betting you'll have a great summer crop!
You can water right around the seedlings in a small circle, and then water further and further out as the plant grows larger. If you underwater at this stage, you'll lose a few seedlings since the roots probably aren't too deep just yet.

The new mix has more coco, so it should dry out a little faster than the old mix. Something to watch out for!

Good luck, I'm betting you'll have a great summer crop!
Cheers for the luck and coco info buddy didnt know coco dried out faster! Didnt even know it was mixed like that on my last grow lol!

Yeah thats the way im going to be watering, when i planted them i saw others water the pots first before planting and i didnt do that, so i thought id water a little more than just around them so the pots get watered properly too. Now ill be watering a small circle around them, a few times over so it seeps down a bit.

Today one more was laying down, but i think its because ive let the soil dry out quite a lot so its a little loose in there. Watering today and also planting the other one!
The extra afghan i planted is now in its pot! One of the XXLs was laying down again today, actually a different one from last time. I think this was due to me letting the soil dry out too much and as its still quite loose in the pot i think thats the reason. Using a toothpick again to hold this one up until it regains some strength. It does just about support itself but want to be sure.

All of them are looking very healthy and the leaves are growing bigger and new growth is sprouting on them so all seems well! After a good few waterings ill be more confident in watering these new pots, and when theyre all grown a little more and all can definitely support themselves ill be alot happier and less worried about them! I feel like the seedling stage is where im least knowledgable, as by the time id gotten most info off of my first grow the seedling stage had long passed.

Im going to edit my first post with the dates i planted each one just for reference in future.
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