OK ladies and gentlemen I wanna let you in on some luck i recently had!
Following the SANlight interview, I went to facebook and entered their competition to win 3 x SANlight S4W's and guess what.... I was one of the winners!!

They also sent me some SANlighters with which i will light my pipe with!
However I am gonna be giving away 2 SANlight T-shirts tonight one now and one in the Timber Grow Lights interview!
The first T-Shirt is a medium size so if you're a medium or maybe you partner is a medium, get ready to enter the competition!
First I should show you what I won!
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3 x S4W's @ 140W's each!
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2 x SANlighters
And two SANlight T-shirts which you could win tonight! The black T-shirt is the Medium and will be the prize in the pre-party and the green T-shirt will be up for grabs later!
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First person to send a picture of the following text wins the Medium T-shirt!
So here it is " AFN interviews Timber Grow Lights Tonight @ 6PM"
Get writing time is a ticking!!
BTW did I mention