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@archie gemmill doing up some full-sized booster rockets this afternoon..

Daaaaaaaaaamn, I guess I always thought you were closer to EST/EDST, but it's hard to tell when you have 22hrs of daylight, this time of year!!! lol How does that work though?? Are you in a dedicated time-zone, or do most folks above the Great-White-North use a standardized time??
Alaska st/dst. In 6 months swings from sun doesn't go below the horizon to sun doesn't rise.
ive woke up a few times not knowing if it was AM/PM.does it mess up your sleep pattern at all ?
took me a couple of years to get used to it, by that I mean it no longer bothers me to be sleep deprived for 2 months, or be in the dark(mostly dark, 4 hrs of dusk a day, the rest dark)
One of my "Top 20 Before I Die" is to see the Alaskan Aurora.. I'm hoping to be a bit "out in woods", so I can see the stars, as I used to love doing that when I'd be waaaaaaaaaaay out in the middle of no-where.. The stars are amazing when there's absolutely zero ambient light.. Even as a kid, I always lived in/around cities, so I never understood the amazement until I was in Afghanistan some years ago, and it was the darkest dark I've ever experienced in between moons, but saw every goddamn star from where I was at.. I always thought going up to the mountains in New Hampshire/Vermont would yield a great experience, but there's still plenty of ambient light on the horizons, and it just wasn't the same.. Shame Afghanistan is wicked shady lol Beautiful country in some places..
Best time to see ALL of the stars is being as far away from civilization as possible, and it being the "new moon", if you will.. You can see it from many parts of the American midwest and Southwest, as there is a lot of real estate that is uninhabited there.. Cities, towns/townships, villages, etc.. that produce artificial light harm your ability to see the stars when it's clear, and since you happen to live in one of the cloudiest parts of the world (Thanks Gulf Stream!!), it will always be a struggle, but if you travel and truly wanna see some breath-taking shit, check out the northern tier of the world..
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