So when I was younger, I always dreamed about an "Ahh-nold"-style armory in my basement and be fully stocked, in case...... lol
As I got older and saw the prices of not only guns but ammo skyrocket, I sorta laid off of that dream and then realized with all of my military knowledge/experience/wisdom, why the FUCK would I want 30 different calibers, just because I have some "gee-whiz" shit in the box?? lol So I said, "in keeping with military tradition and boredom, I'm gonna stick with only a handful of calibers and just buy a few BIG boxes of ammo.."
So naturally, most of my shit is NATO rnds.. The way I see it, if shit goes down, and I'm holding the bag, at least most of my threats would be using most typical NATO rnds, due to the availability of manufacturers and weaponry.. Sounds "crazy", I know.. Always thinking contingency.. Don't think that part of my brain will ever change!!!
First smoke of the day?!?! It's almost evening dude!!!!! Everything okay??