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Do you grow veggies?

I try :) Our patio is facing north and under a big cherry tree. At work we have a small plot in a community garden and a sunny rooftop garden, both of which are used for client activities. This year, our zucchinis are huge, as long and almost as thick as my thighs. That's a lot of zoodles.

My family gardened and canned for generations (green chutney anyone?). Even so, in my basic canning class it is a learn-as-I-teach kind of situation.
I pulled these from the very bottom of my plants. Any ideas?
P9075753.JPG P9075756.JPG P9075754.JPG

Everything else looks healthy and dark green, and I am hoping that they just didn't have enough light anymore. Ps- I eradicated gnatts a few weeks ago with BTI, no sign of them returning.
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