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:eek1: wow, material science 101 here,... that is an amazing jump, over an order of magnitude difference! ..gonna have to quiz my brother the machinist about this more, very interesting,... :thumbsup:

....:worship: HLG friends, I have to head out to the grow site and service some ladiezzz,...:hump:.... Thank you again for hanging out with us here! :cheers: ...
Have a great day!
Sorry Im late!! I've got a feeling that this has been asked already. But my 1st question is about QB kit inventory. Lol... I noticed that your QB kits fly of the shelf and take a while to become available again.. Will the company be focusing on the QBs and QB kits more in the coming future, or are the bigger type lighting fixtures the focus for now?
Sorry Im late!! I've got a feeling that this has been asked already. But my 1st question is about QB kit inventory. Lol... I noticed that your QB kits fly of the shelf and take a while to become available again.. Will the company be focusing on the QBs and QB kits more in the coming future, or are the bigger type lighting fixtures the focus for now?
We have some kits stocked at Growers lights

For restock
QB 120 restock Oct 7th 9AM EST
QB304/kits Oct 14th
QB288/kits Oct 21st
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