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Now this is my cup of tea bro, man looking sweet, fellow mechanic here
Nice to meet ya!! This one is for Monday.
Tune up! :d5: plugs oil change.about it drive it!!
Blow it out!!
Fellow AFN members (AFNers)
Best places you have been tattooed. Need new ideas.

Country (please leave it general, don't want any trouble here lol) Black and grey or Color? Place on you? How much work done? How long can you last in a sitting? Prices? Prices of the amount you have?

Pics welcomed


1 right fore arm- Italy, black and grey with red background, 6 hrs and in one sitting (longest) a lot of euros a bit over 600 (known artist, in certain circles)
2 right bicep (all)- Portugal, black and gey with red back ground around 8 hrs, multiple sessions, over 600 euros, awesome artist
3 chest piece- Italy (same arts as before) another 400 euros, 3 sessions at 2 hrs a price,
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