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Well it looks like we are wrapping it up!
I'd like to thank @RainDan and Timber Grow Lights for being here tonight!
Dan you have been a total gent answering our questions with great knowledge and style.
It has been a real pleasure to meet you and interview you.
We will be seeing much more of you in the Timber Grow Lights section of the forum -
Thank you once again for such a great time with you and have a wonderful day!
All the best dude
Thanks to you Arty, as well as the rest of the AFN staff and of course everyone who stopped by to chat today.

I had a great time and look forward to the opportunity to do it again in the near future.

If anyone has any questions about COB lights I am always happy to assist.

Have a great rest of the day/evening.

Best Regards,
Had a great time @RainDan. Thanks for stopping by and sharing Timber with us! Affordable and Reliable. How does Santa deliver all of those efficient lights in one night?
Thanks for having me.

We ask him to bring the extra large UPS sleigh during the holiday time......that and we bribe our UPS drivers with lots of sweets to keep their energy up!
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