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Well I need to get an air stone to throw in my water barrel...I took the top off to grab some water and holy shit it stunk..Nice film of algae floating on the I dropped in my submersible pump and extracted all the water out..I'm going to clean it out with baking soda and rinse then hook up the filter again and only fill half way..I don't have an air pump at the moment so instead of filling the barrel all the way I'll fill half way, pretty much what I can use in a short amount of time...I should of went down in the meantime and stirred the water a bit everyday but I didn't..My plants will be watered after 12 tonight, so on to the cleaning.
heya arty :pass:what came first the chicken,egg or the mushroom ?
Hey archie I reckon it was mushroom, egg then the chicken!
Mushrooms 500-440 million years ago
Eggs around 200 million years ago, possibly.
Chickens are the late comers to the party! :crying::pighug:
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