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thats a mighty fine looking cuppa tea and dabbage you got there Arthur :pass:evening TE :pass:

Gotta love wandering around the grocery store isles with a decentish munchie buzz going looking for meal ideas. Getting to rediscover a kewl old tune that you haven't heard in ages playing on the store PA system. mmmm....Saturday mornings. :smoking:

whats up s.s.s. Stoners~!!!!!!:pass:

I'll never forget the first time I saw this video. I was in a dark room, stoned, and MTV was still cool. I was blown away.
Awesome band, song, video.

Recently saw them (him) perform on the new Twin Peaks. That was a trippy surprise.
Thanks for posting this one, King!
thats a mighty fine looking cuppa tea and dabbage you got there Arthur :pass:evening TE :pass:
View attachment 807617
this is awesome!!!!

is it just me or does everyone dig the thank-you note on the banner

and nice stash @TheMongol ... I can never get shots like that.. I always smoke the shit outta mine

I desperately need some bubble bags of some sort too.. hint hint
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