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15 days old as of about 3 hours ago...They'll be getting a watering tomorrow making it exactly 6 days since they got their last one..Temps are at 77F humidity 63%..Tomorrow will be their first full watering, meaning not just the cup but the cup and around the base of the cup and outwards ( not until runoff) so their roots can start adjusting to the composted living soil mix and fill out..110 watts of 3500k cob light @ 26".




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Good Morning Stoners
There's one in every crowd . You know the one !! The one that wears black knee length socks instead of white like everybody else . . :nono:
morning stoner family i hope everyone has a great weekend i have family coming over today gotta make sure i turn my fan down low on my controller lol
Bottom right is Amnesia from WoS, bottom left NL/cheeze/haze, far right SS mix, top right Smelloscope, top left Creme Bubbly (smello x chemdog).
I got a few NCH thinking about next grow!!! If you got a journal tag me bro wanna set back and watch it!!!! And nice setup!!✌️
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