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Yeah, they're common in the northernmost part - colombia, venezuela, peru, also parts of mexico I think. Lots of them for sale in the us now especially the southern part of the us.
some members of this family are power shamanic allies, unless I'm not remembering the the Latin name correctly, hehe
@trailanimal was going to ask you what the weather was up there. Any snow yet?
a little bit of "termination dust", melted off the "hill" in a couple of days. Temps have been good in the greenhouse with a little sun, 34/80f. Gorgeous fall weather last couple of days
some members of this family are power shamanic allies, unless I'm not remembering the the Latin name correctly, hehe

Oh yeah, I know quite a bit about brugmansia being used as an admixture plant for south american ayahuasca ceremonies, it's actually called Toè there, but yeah ayahuasqueros/shamans/curanderos sometimes will use it in small small quantities with the main ayahuasca brew [banisteriopsis caapi & psychotria viridis].

It's dangerous to do though due to the MAOI properties of the b. caapi vine in combination with the anticholinergic deliriant properties of the brugmansia.

It's also used in several other preps, though they're sort've off shoots.
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