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One of the Big 4 and a damn good song!!! Cryyyyy for the Indianssssss
Next up a Metallica counterpart... yes most people know that Dave was an original member of Metallica before being kicked out due to substance abuse
Pot sells to but no need to buy when you grow your own.. buahahahhaha... party on Garth!!!!
Bottom feed in organics. . .? like a Tea? you wouldnt need to do that honestly. since its organics firstly. second its a living tea and left in a flood and drain thingy it'll die off in time. so prolly not the best but yes it can be done.

just meant for the watering in general mate. i hated handwatering, one of the reasons i went hydro and my current plant drinks 12L a day so gotta feed her every fuckin day now anyway : ( . my grow gear and organic set up will be going elsewhere and i cant put that job on someone else to handwater. its just cruel. doing a scrogg too so probably be quite hard to water the massive pot properly. ill be going round once a week for training and trimming so if i can get an auto feeder on the go ill be able to take full credit wich id prefer. ive got shit loads of pumps, timers, airstones, tubing etc lying about. got a 200L barrel with a tap on it too. sure i could think of some way to automate it. be an 80-100L pot to feed so probably quite an upkeep to handwater once it gets a bit bigger. could i run loads of 10mm tubes from the barrel and plug them into the bottom of the pot or something for a gravity feeder. would that work? obviously said barrel will have plenty of airstones and a recirculating pump to stop it going stale.
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