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Hang in there, Bush, as tough as it is you'll get through this. I am glad you have some options, even if it isn't what you wanted to hear. Unless of course an option is giving up weed <grin>
Thank you

I would be very careful & cautious about back surgery, I had a failed back surgery that has caused numerous serious issues (requiring other surgeries) Like bladder stops functioning, things of that nature... Don't let them talk ya into anything... They now want put me in a full cage, But that's not an option I told them!:pass:
Surgery is one of the options. But the Dr was very honest and explained to us all the options that I have. Going to have to think things over and do whats best.

@bushmasterar15 . trust in yourself, the angel of mercy is hoveringView attachment 834226
That's the full truth right there @trailanimal
@bushmasterar15 - Hey bud...sorry to hear the doc didnt have a scrap of good news for you my friend!! Hope everything works out for you fella.

Take 3ml of tincture....follow it up immediately with vaporizer bags one after another until you are too high to do any more(for me its usually around 10 by the time the tincture kicks in full boar)
Prescription filled by Dr. Don Skelly
This is the best prescription that I've been given it all these years. The Dr. was pretty proud of me for getting away from all the opiates that I'd been taking all these years. Had nothing bad to say about me making the switch to medical cannabis.
I'm finally back home and can fully catch up.

Glad to hear it, Brother:thumbsup:
Thank you

Surgery is one of the options. But the Dr was very honest and explained to us all the options that I have. Going to have to think things over and do whats best.

That's the full truth right there @trailanimal
I've had two fairly major spinal surgeries, getting the second one was a huge decision. Look at your options honestly, and don't ever be afraid to ask the doc hard questions.
Karma to you:peace:

Not an expert on trees but it does look like it works the same way
no shit!, I think you're right, lol
I’m kind of bored, lol anyone else get that boredom from not having to get up and check on their plants too often after getting everything perfectly dialed in? My temps 75 f my Rh is 45% like all I can do is just sit around when I wanna go check on them!

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get back in there, you've over looked something
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