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Evening, Stoners!:pass::toke:
All day at the Doc, and feeling grumpy.... forabout two more minutes:muahaha::jointman:
Mashing some Glueberry on top of half a bowl of Lemon Haze. That should do nicely, with a nice red wine:cooldance::woohoo:
My son said "I don't mind, but it smells extremely dank in here"

A week of drying the AutoMazar and the tent humidity was 60% so Clip Clip and into jars.

I haven't weighed them yet, but I am guessing it will be less than the 3oz I hoped for, maybe 2.5. Its all good- this plus the stash I already have should last me until next harvest, and that's what its all about.

I gathered up the little leftover bits on the tray and crammed it into a bowl. W a a y speedier than I want, but the cure could fix that :-)

Like last time, the AM flowers are not very dense, but I have read here that people are getting hard nugs from the strain, so I am wondering if my lights are not powerful enough, or something I am/not doing....
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