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[HASHTAG]#showusyourbush[/HASHTAG] oh...wait..nevermind

You guys ready for Black Friday? Cyber Monday? Thanksgiving?

We're going to be hosting an event called Gluttonous Giveaway over the Thanksgiving weekend with seed prizes! And we're officially doing the 2nd annual Festivus! We have OVER 900 HUNDRED FEMINIZED SEEDS to give away between December 1st and January 31st! Who will win? Probably everyone. :rofl: Thanks for being part of our forum guys, really love seeing the people that come through here!
Welp. Another day of shit happens. Filling out the unemployment papers.

Its a bit of a drag being holiday season. But fuck me i hated that job.

My ol lady is not happy though lol.

Don't let her catch you spending too much time on AFN before finding that new job. Pro tip. [HASHTAG]#thuglife[/HASHTAG] [HASHTAG]#marriedlife[/HASHTAG]
So I woke up late as fuck this morning, didn’t even have time to check temps or soil. Well I get home my temps dropped to 73 with an rh of 44 so I’m ok with that, Shirley’s still got good moisture and should hold up til Friday, Britney on the other hand her soils dry about 2-3 inches below soil level and I gave em both water on Monday that fat girl done drank up everything in the pot! I’m trying to hold back on feeding until Friday but damn I dunno if she’ll let me wait til then. I’m trying to water with mammoth p on mondays and feed nutes on fridays to see it this helps prevent deficiencies by giving them what they need without going too long without but giving them time to absorb what I give them.

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