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@912GreenSkell Hey bro, I did that iso run, like I said.. it come out beautiful.. here are a few pics.. I'll be posting thread on it tomorrow probably. :) I hope ya like how it come out, my very first iso run... I love the color and my god how nice it tastes!!!:drool::d5::woohoo:
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Ill do a dab to that
Didn't over wash. Good man. Ps are you using food grade alc or actual iso?
Hello all I've missed you these past few days. Was at the Emergency room the other day and now waiting for my follow up with my Dr. hope they can get me fixed again but my new CT shows things have gotten worse. So probably another MRI will be scheduled on my spine. I might be missing again for a few days till I'm back to feeling somewhat better.
Get well Bro✌️
absolutely gorgeous!
Yeah I am thinking I should of picked her for one of the comps, but hindsight is 20/20. She is stunning in my opinion, gives off a very strong fruity odor.
evening Dabziwumbo how goes:pass:evening Ash :pass:c46:pass:rest up ar15 :pass:
i really am lost without this 'new post'button,guess il just have to learn to find my way around without it.
I typically just use my notifications to get me around lol. Up late late or up really early??
Aint it like crack of dawn across the pond
i have all my notifications turned off.i seem to get everyones notifications,or notifications that have nothing to do with have 200 by morning time if they wernt turned off.i dont do early so its up late or just average for me 3:23 and its suddenly winter time now to its bitter cold.
Mephisto MBAP.. This was my odd one out when I was selecting for the three grow battles I am in. I do not have a journal going on this one so figured this was be a good place to post a few pics.
Nice. What kinda smell you getting? And look at all the red in yours. Looks dense.
Mine is very orange peel smelling. My bros is very ermm. Manky meat berry ish. A bit rancid but pleasant at the same time.

Good looking girl.
I'm in love with my mbap lol. Shes my big baby
Heres my big baby.
Nice. What kinda smell you getting? And look at all the red in yours. Looks dense.
Mine is very orange peel smelling. My bros is very ermm. Manky meat berry ish. A bit rancid but pleasant at the same time.

Good looking girl.
I'm in love with my mbap lol. Shes my big baby
I am definitely a fan of this MBAP. At first I was worried I mixed my seeds up, a lot of the ones that were posted only have slight hints of purple. It has a very strong berry smell with some earthy undertones. If you have ever grown a Fastbuds LSD it is similar. Probably a little more pleasant since you don't taste this one for an hour after you leave the grow room.

Did you have super light leaves from the beginning? She is a hog. No matter how much food I gave her I could not keep up. Running four plants and had to mix her food separate, the others were not near as hungry.
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