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If package arrives with company. If they ask whats in the box. Just tell em its.a butt plug lube and german porn.

But do it with a very serious face. Very serious. Then walk away with the box.
ahahahahahah tell you what mate. its still not turned up and everyones still here so consider it done!!!
yesterday was a snowy one....View attachment 824966 dogs moved to their winter yard in the lee of the cabin before the Drifting starts....View attachment 824967 last of season's sun going pastel...View attachment 824968 .
Living a very human life brotha. Thats the world i live in. The one where i see someone living in nature. I'm shocked lol. I look at it like its impossible lol. But then i think about it. Stoned thinking. I wonder. How much happier humans would be with having to forage and live off the land.
It has to be rewarding and naturally would gain a much different respect and appreciation for the world it self.
I don't even appreciate my damned internet provider lmao. I highly respect you trail. You're an animal. In a very pro human kinda way. Cheers bro.
Living a very human life brotha. Thats the world i live in. The one where i see someone living in nature. I'm shocked lol. I look at it like its impossible lol. But then i think about it. Stoned thinking. I wonder. How much happier humans would be with having to forage and live off the land.
It has to be rewarding and naturally would gain a much different respect and appreciation for the world it self.
I don't even appreciate my damned internet provider lmao. I highly respect you trail. You're an animal. In a very pro human kinda way. Cheers bro.
thanks for the Juice grobro!
I've always felt
real misery begins
when humans turn their backs
to the land
Living a very human life brotha. Thats the world i live in. The one where i see someone living in nature. I'm shocked lol. I look at it like its impossible lol. But then i think about it. Stoned thinking. I wonder. How much happier humans would be with having to forage and live off the land.
It has to be rewarding and naturally would gain a much different respect and appreciation for the world it self.
I don't even appreciate my damned internet provider lmao. I highly respect you trail. You're an animal. In a very pro human kinda way. Cheers bro.
Well said✌️
Few wild finches hanging out in the back yard. As long as I keep the feeder filled, they'll flock to this bush all winter. They blend in so well it makes great camo and they can duck down inside the brush for additional cover.

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