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I got my vape out for ya.
Variety is a damned special thing. Almost as special as afn.
Hell afn is special because of its variety as well. That and the awesome folks here.

But having 7 strains to pick from of personal grown shit is pretty damned special too. Spices of life.

I hope everyone else is vibing out like me today. Playing tunes and enjoying the house on the day off
Man I just have one to choose from it's the skunk but I'm still fuking vibing
howdy peeps :pass:
a collection of mostly empty jars,and a few random buds from last couple of years grows.
View attachment 824347
more grower less stoner.
You will need that many if not more jars for that monster you have going now!!!

I will need a few for my Haze I'm hoping ✌️
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