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Also with your hybrid set up that you had in there they can definitely introduce different active bio organisms That can do weird things LOL. But that is exactly what I would've done
As long as that's what you would have done I'm ok with it. Lol.
My mbap is living btw. Pathetic. But living.
Pull her out the comp. She not worthy lol
Post a pic in a few when my phone gets a charge
Yum!! My lady loves stuffed mushrooms!! I feel ya... I need to make some edible snickerdoodles...

Give it about 20 mins... The system takes 20-25 mins for then to initially show... I'll keep checkin'...
Oh hahahaha I am just being an impatient stoner. I will calm myself with my sour hound mmmmmmmmmmm
Yum!! My lady loves stuffed mushrooms!! I feel ya... I need to make some edible snickerdoodles...

Give it about 20 mins... The system takes 20-25 mins for then to initially show... I'll keep checkin'...
Cinnabon rolls.... Yeah. Those will do. But yumm on the doodles. Love those
As long as that's what you would have done I'm ok with it. Lol.
My mbap is living btw. Pathetic. But living.
Pull her out the comp. She not worthy lol
Post a pic in a few when my phone gets a charge
Man take pictures of that girl and put her back in the competition I won't let you pull her out I'll steal your pictures and put them in myself lol. It may not necessarily be about winning but your pictures and documentation are valuable to the newcomer who is possibly thinking about this strain and who who knows could have a hybrid Hempy setup like yours. One of the good things about this place is that for the most part we check our egos at the door and we understand that the newcomer is the lifeblood of our program. Also we are our harshest critics so while you may think it's pathetic others may think wow that's amazing
Smells good but hits like a truck! It went deep into cbn territory
Honestly my favorite of the cannabinoids next to delta 9 of course. But I have long been a proponent of the heightened effects of delta 9 through the different interactions with cbn and cbg most specifically
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