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Plan on keeping cuts?
I had to look for some years to find my parent strains. They are here to stay

Yes I plan to keep cuts most definitely I know this will take time but I'm excited. This nerdy breeding stuff has really caught my interest and I want to learn everything I can I just enjoy it. Still sitting here looking at my beans and the nicer ones have the tiger strippes etc and it's like wow I created this. Then to think of the possibility of what I just made like Frankenstein it's so cool, to think about one day smoking some of my own creation with family and friends is just a high in itself man lol.
Yes I plan to keep cuts most definitely I know this will take time but I'm excited. This nerdy breeding stuff has really caught my interest and I want to learn everything I can I just enjoy it. Still sitting here looking at my beans and the nicer ones have the tiger strippes etc and it's like wow I created this. Then to think of the possibility of what I just made like Frankenstein it's so cool, to think about one day smoking some of my own creation with family and friends is just a high in itself man lol.
Especially when you factor in that commercial base price for a 10pack is around 100. Makes the accomplishment more meaningful. Vaping your own is the ultimate experience
Especially when you factor in that commercial base price for a 10pack is around 100. Makes the accomplishment more meaningful. Vaping your own is the ultimate experience

Doing the vape already and YES you're right lol........distillates is my next desire of are of study once I get a handle on the breeding :)
Doing the vape already and YES you're right lol........distillates is my next desire of are of study once I get a handle on the breeding :)
I was just over in that section taking a look at budelee's extractions. These guys know their craft, inspiring me to try shatter this year
During cold overcast weather, 5-10f degrees moderation if greenhouse is standing alone. If sun is out temps rise fast, a 50f sunny day will be 80f in the greenhouse. On a hot day, can be crazy hot. With both ends open if there is any breeze at all temps stay good. When wind stops on a hot day I need to cover greenhouse with 40% shade cloth to keeps temp good. Because my greenhouse is built against the south side of the cabin I get big benefits on frosty nights, the cabin a very large heat sink.
Shit I passed out this morning haha.
Oh hot damn! Well I won't be growing in the summer.. she gets warm here, I'm talking like.. we can hit low 40's would be like walking into an oven in summer, atleast I'll be able to get a few autos going late in spring, i wish the night time temps didn't drop so bad, -4 degrees lately or id grow em now, spouse it gives me time to prep the garbed beds.
That's really smart using the cabin as a heatsink, I'm looking at buying my first house next year.. and I'm keeping that in mind!
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