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Oh guys, you have done us all proud, what a great party yesterday. I do think it was the best yet. I really do. You guys are just the best. It was a privilege to be part of your party. I cannot wait until the next one.


Okay dudes, remember, if you want your secret summer 2017 solstice badge, you will have to tag Rebel........................something like this......

"Hello @Rebel , I was at the Live Stoners 2017 Secret Summer Solstice Party, can you hit me up with my well deserved badge please. And I love/loath/dream about (edit as req.) Penguins"

Something along those lines should get you your badge. Remember, not long to go now before @Rebel goes live with the official AFN merchadise where you can get yer mugs, T shirts , mouse mats etc etc. Penguin calendars the whole sheebang.

Look out for the new MyAFN website coming soon............eP.


See you soon my good chums and thanks again for the fun, each and every one of you stoners. Be good and be lucky.........eP.
TOMORROW LIVE STONERS..........CHAT WITH JOEL..............View attachment 769458

SolSift Greetings AFN
Ima follow that one, if I get any CDB's their going in my new greenhouse when warms up.. hey question, on average how much warmer is it in the greenhouse compared to outside?
So if the weather is 0 degrees for example, what's the temps inside? Or is there to many factors to come up with a number?
During cold overcast weather, 5-10f degrees moderation if greenhouse is standing alone. If sun is out temps rise fast, a 50f sunny day will be 80f in the greenhouse. On a hot day, can be crazy hot. With both ends open if there is any breeze at all temps stay good. When wind stops on a hot day I need to cover greenhouse with 40% shade cloth to keeps temp good. Because my greenhouse is built against the south side of the cabin I get big benefits on frosty nights, the cabin a very large heat sink.
good morning/afternoon/evening live stonersView attachment 769417

Divine morning in the far north!

Rebel is recouping..... I think I'm gonna take the weekend off... Recharge the old internal batteries...


Need my cuppa, tea, and first rocket blast of the day... Be back shorty to get stoned live hehehe
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