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how can we interact with this salt to make it "fall out" ?
I looked up that danish stuff, it is a denatured alcohol (has some other good solvents in it) but it has a trace amount of salt in it (this stuff: -should be okay but might add a bitter taste apparently (it's only 1g of salt in 100 liters) just an FYI
how can we interact with this salt to make it "fall out" ?
It's in such a trace amount that it's not even worth it tbh -it won't affect the extraction and should be safe. Not sure if you could get it to precipitate out of solution by putting it in the freezer but it's worth try, the problem is you wouldn't be able to see it as it is present as less than 1mg but it can't hurt to put it in the freezer over night and decant it when using.
It's in such a trace amount that it's not even worth it tbh -it won't affect the extraction and should be safe. Not sure if you could get it to precipitate out of solution by putting it in the freezer but it's worth try, the problem is you wouldn't be able to see it as it is present as less than 1mg but it can't hurt to put it in the freezer over night and decant it when using.

if this works .... omg... im not gonna tell the alcoholics :rofl:

i will use only for good = extractions ;) :yay: :mrgreen:
@budelee, do you know a newbie without a press way to press kief ? I have 10 grams of kief without a press. Possibly a straightening iron?

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We gotcha covered... Whaddys think guys..
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