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well if they are ,that'd be weird a little but cool. but if your north and its a private farm is possible they are running specific fast finisher strains for northern latitudes and so on. which tend to work well when done right. I know nothing of thoise but thats what they probably are. but could be wrong. looks like no auto Ive seen unless its lesser stock and freaking out some. but thats what Id do personally. usually most solid Fast finishers will fully flower on 18 straight hours. but with lesser genetics they'll have to be pushed a little sometimes.hence the 12/12. but staying on more might poof your tent out. hard to say really, but either way they should flower on more light just typically not more than 16-18 hours is all. but thats with solid stock,again, I know nothing of yours. top coating is a great place to start covering the NPK ( more P and K) spectrum and that'll do you fine bro! happy harvesting

Makes sense. I've switched them to 12/12 now, topcoat is done. Did just a top of my own "super soil" to help out. It's pretty darned robust. And I will keep feeding with worm tea as I've been doing.

Now, I should say, this is only my second grow, first was photo clones that had a shitty, rough life. Bugs, crappy roots, bad lights, shitty soil, temperature and humidity problems. This batch behaved exactly like every auto I researched, but they had too much light too intensely for too long, which is why the leaves are all buggered up near the tops, and hadn't had ANY training until after that damage was done...

Regardless, I appreciate the input! If they are from this year's stock, they're either iraniandiesel or blueberrykush. I just got off the phone with them and they confirmed they only had those two this last harvest, and they were both autos. But again, who knows. :p

Hey there! New here, new to autos! I posted about people's experiences with trimming their autos, and like anything else I've researched, the general rule of thumb is seemingly "do whatever. it'll work or not." So, I trimmed my 2 ladies pretty savagely. Took off ALL the hand-sized leaves and froze them for later consumption. That was not too long ago, and here's the updated pictures! I've done some MAJOR LST on them as well (cotton twine, natural dyes, I'm a hippie type, don't want anything crazy in my meds). You can see how there's a very distinctive band of yellowing below the current "top", which was from LED burn. Raised the lights and started LST, and the tops are all growing again, bright green. No nutrients other than worm tea and molasses, and the soil is my own "super soil" with only "organics" in it. View attachment 701410 View attachment 701411

So, given people have a metric crap-ton more experience than I, how long would one guess there is left on these? They were popped from seed on Dec 1, and showed sex about 3 weeks later. And nope, not a clue what strain they are. Seeds from a medical farm up here in the frosty north.
welcome aboard Big_Cricket!
Hey there! New here, new to autos! I posted about people's experiences with trimming their autos, and like anything else I've researched, the general rule of thumb is seemingly "do whatever. it'll work or not." So, I trimmed my 2 ladies pretty savagely. Took off ALL the hand-sized leaves and froze them for later consumption. That was not too long ago, and here's the updated pictures! I've done some MAJOR LST on them as well (cotton twine, natural dyes, I'm a hippie type, don't want anything crazy in my meds). You can see how there's a very distinctive band of yellowing below the current "top", which was from LED burn. Raised the lights and started LST, and the tops are all growing again, bright green. No nutrients other than worm tea and molasses, and the soil is my own "super soil" with only "organics" in it. View attachment 701410 View attachment 701411

So, given people have a metric crap-ton more experience than I, how long would one guess there is left on these? They were popped from seed on Dec 1, and showed sex about 3 weeks later. And nope, not a clue what strain they are. Seeds from a medical farm up here in the frosty north.
they are taking their time, I think most of us have had long timers, not building much bud yet, maybe need more light, I'm sure you already got some imput from others, anyway, glad you are here
live stoner
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