So much for grid-tied solar....
I designed, built, and used a grid free system for a home I lived in some years ago. The power company gave an estimate of $27,000 to $32,000 to run powerlines to my home. I told them what to do with them...... and installed solar. Cost me $16,000 in 1999 dollars, and no more electric bill!
Today, you could have three time the power I had, for a lot less than that!
Best day ever was when, about a year later, a meter reader came to the house while I was at work. My wife saw him in the yard, looking around and scratching his head. She asks: What do you think your doing? He says: I'm here to read the meter but can't find it. She says nothing, just points to the solar panels on the porch roof.......... He says ohhh and drives away.........
I designed, built, and used a grid free system for a home I lived in some years ago. The power company gave an estimate of $27,000 to $32,000 to run powerlines to my home. I told them what to do with them...... and installed solar. Cost me $16,000 in 1999 dollars, and no more electric bill!
Today, you could have three time the power I had, for a lot less than that!
Best day ever was when, about a year later, a meter reader came to the house while I was at work. My wife saw him in the yard, looking around and scratching his head. She asks: What do you think your doing? He says: I'm here to read the meter but can't find it. She says nothing, just points to the solar panels on the porch roof.......... He says ohhh and drives away.........
Free?????Not yet, but we can wish. Panel prices have dropped like a rock though. But, the power companies are making big headway in getting the price they have to pay home owners for their excess, slashed. So much for windfall profits for us common folk.
@1939bear What temp did you use to get all that oozing pressed resin in the pic you posted before the Magic interview?